Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board


Spencer Crispe - 4-28-2008 at 10:00 PM

Last show - Skatefest in Vermont July 19th.

That's right, America's hearthrobs and American Idols My Revenge are releasing their final album June 24th. It went to press last week. 10 songs, 4 brand new songs recorded in Dec/Jan. Look for a glossy ad in Seventeen, Cosmo, Field and Stream, and Better Homes and Gardens. We care about fashion, getting paid, elitism, popularity, girls, sales, marketing and most importantly our image. We have nothing to say and we don't focus on the music, unless it has "hooks" "melodies" and is "catchy." Our press kit comes with scratch 'n sniff stickers of Eric Smith fixing his truck.

These are the kind of songs that would make a thunder and lightning storm run away. Or would kill all the birds in your neighborhood. This is the kind of record that sounds like a Lunar excursion module waving to Denzel Washington above a walrus orphanage.
It is devoid of commercial value. It's not even worth stealing, but it's the best hardcore album of 2008.

The record release show is planned for the Annex In Burlington Vermont sometime in early June. Come pile on, sing along and circle pit one last time to the off-the-wall magnificently dysfunctional spectacle that is and has always been, My Revenge.

Out June 24th 2008. My Revenge "Strengh Through Nonviolence."
10 songs.
Buy this album, read the lyrics, and listen to the music.


clevohardcore - 4-28-2008 at 10:54 PM

I will buy this. THORP RECORDS? AWESOME.