Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Something your totally embarrased about.....

godabandonedme - 4-6-2005 at 02:06 AM

Ok, so I'm a addict. An oppiot (sic?). Anyway, I waste all my money and time on this shit and have been to rehab and have relapsed and am wondering if anyone has ever been in the same situation and could give me some info/encourgaement/real advice to help me out. This isn't just some dumb ass post but being this is the internet I see it as best because look it's "somewhat" anonomoyous, and to be honest I'm to scared to tell anyone around me because it's happened before and I know they'll be there fore me again but being a failure well I'm sure everyone knows what that feels like that's why we all listen to hardcore in the first place. This really isn't a pity post. Just a suggestion type thing if you will.

cool as aids - 4-6-2005 at 02:24 AM

yo i was in rehab 2 times before i was 16, im not gonna get into what i was into, but i was heavy..

i was sober gfor 2 yeatrs, and a sponsor in PDAP and AA, you really have to look at yourself and tell yourself that you are an addict and that what you want is to not do drugs anymore, if you can, go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps....treat yourself with respect, ia have a SHITLOAD more advice if you eant to get into specifics with me bro, my aim is ekto21

godabandonedme - 4-6-2005 at 02:37 AM

I was clean for about 3 months. Well, clean without drugs, I kept drinking. The drinking just got alot worse once I got out, just replaced the drugs with drinking. towards the end I was doing like four oxy 80's a day just to not get sick. I duno it sucks, now I'm starting to get back into it and it sucks. Mentally it's worse then anything exspecially with the type of work that I do I duno it's just crazy.

clevohardcore - 4-6-2005 at 12:28 PM

Damn. Good luck with everything. The demons will take control unless you control them. Everyone here is in your corner even though we never met. ;)

MyOwnWay - 4-8-2005 at 08:17 AM

I've never been thru it, but I've seen some real shit happen to different people thru out life. The only person thats gonna get you thru it is you. Other will stand by your side and pick you up when you fall, but getting thing back to a better level all comes from you. The fact that you are reaching out to people is a hell of step and I think thats awesome. Just keep your head, you are stronger than that shit. That shit doesnt give you life, it takes it the fuck away. Dont consider yourself a failure though, thats just straight bullshit. You are trying, and I'm telling you to keep trying. Your at a good place in your head to get things better. Keep it moving, I'm talking every single day is a struggle. Stay strong...

clevohardcore - 4-8-2005 at 05:23 PM

I got hair growing on my fucking back. I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT. I am so fucking embarrased by it. It's making me not want to work out anymore.

SAAAAARS - 4-9-2005 at 12:54 AM

i watched my brother go through some fucked up shit for quite a few years and i've known two kids who passed away fairly recently from drug related shit. i really don't know if there's anything i could say to help. i just wish you all the luck in the world and genuinely hope that you get everything squared away with. be strong.