Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

those who collect vinyl

clevohardcore - 6-27-2008 at 11:41 AM

how do you store it? Since I am collecting some of the most important releases that have significance in my life. I am faced with what to do with them until I have my own house again. The place I am in I have limited space for it so I need to store it in the best possible way.

Any ideas. I do not wnat to ge the usual stolen milk carriers because I think they do more damage than good. I am not attempting a mass collection but I am grabbing anything of significance to me in my life. Evetually doing the framing thiing I spoke of a few weeks ago. These may need ot be stored for at least 1-2 years or so.

XHonusWagnerX - 6-27-2008 at 11:45 AM

Mine are just all over the place mostly leaning in piles against the wall so they are not laying flat. Some of my older stuff is in wooden crate type things, but they are so cheap and old they are falling apart. I would think some sort of wood box would be your best bet.

clevohardcore - 6-27-2008 at 11:54 AM

mine are flat right now so I better change this right away.

BDx13 - 6-27-2008 at 12:36 PM

YOU FUCKING BETTER! laying them flat is just about the worst thing you could do.

if you can, keep them in your home - the garage, attic and basement all fluctuate too much in temperature.

as for the actual storage method, milk crates are fine, but maybe a little to 'accessible' with kids in the house.

you could get these cardboard LP boxes, 2 for $20. they'll be organized, (somewhat) more protected and easy to move.

if you're particular (like I am), you can get DJ flight cases. the cheapest you'll find will be like $40 each, but they're very sturdy.

i have three 100-record cases very similar to this:

they're not cheap, but they lock, they stack, they're made of metal, they're padded inside AND they seal shut. they're designed to be used as checked luggage on a flight, so they are wicked tough.

(you'll be happy to know mine were written off by a former employer as a moving expense. the company i was working for was paying for us to move across the country, and i told them i couldn't have my collection sitting on a hot truck for a week, so i needed to take them on the plane.)

LordActionWood - 6-27-2008 at 12:43 PM

I have about 6 of these holding my expensive 45s and my other 45s are in adidas shoe boxes.

The carpeted cases are built like brick shithouses. I have them stacked on their own shelf within a sturdy bookcase (only 4 actually, the other two are on the floor).

All of my LPs are on those Billy bookshelves sold at Ikea....not the sturdiest things of all time...but they work. I don't think you should fill one of those 4 level Billy bookshelves with LPs....I have the two level one on top of a counter in my basement.

clevohardcore - 6-27-2008 at 03:50 PM

BD will order those plastic corogatted boxes tonight. In the meantime the records will be moved to a safe and upright position.

XHonusWagnerX - 6-27-2008 at 04:02 PM

I want a flight case for all my really expensive records. Maybe someday!

Jason the Magnificent - 6-27-2008 at 05:02 PM

Get the Ikea shelf thing, cheap, sturdy and nice looking.