Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

CR or anyone who works out

clevohardcore - 9-12-2008 at 12:44 AM

What will work better for dropping the pounds? I am running/jogging and having knee pain. It is lessening as I have dropped a few pounds already but I want to be able to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes. Right now I can only sustain 1/2 mile at the pace of 5 minutes. After that I get too out of breath to carry that pace. SO I walk then run it again the best I can. I went back to the gym and hit the eliptical and was able to do 1.5 miles in 14 minutes. It kicked my ass and I had zero knee pain. Since I need to be able to run on a track for the 1.5 mile duration and do it in 12 minutes I need to beat the time on track and I figure the more weight I lose the faster my run will get. My question is what is the best/quickest way to drop the pounds to lessen the knee pain and be able to run this distance?

I know this is redundant but I am taking this very serious. I am doing a shitload of pushups at a pace of 3 sets of 30. and just begging situps at a pace of 2 sets of 30 to be increased for a longer duration. Already down a notch on the belt and feeling pretty good.

clevohardcore - 9-12-2008 at 12:46 AM

In sort.

Question- best way to eliminate and avoid knee pain?

Question- quickest way to lose weight to drop pounds and pressure on the knees.

No crazy pills just what is a good regime to follow will working out to blast the fat off and increase my endurance to run faster and farther?

random - 9-12-2008 at 12:51 AM

Is the running/push-ups/sit-ups necessary? I remember you talked in the past about becoming a police officer, and it definitely sounds like you're talking about a PT test.

Otherwise, if you can do cardio that doesn't hurt your knee, you should probably stick with that. I'm no expert, but I got a nasty stress fracture from running that's prevented me from doing any real cardio for over a year. Stick with what works... elliptical is better than nothing, and an injury will lead to you sitting on the couch during a recovery.

That said, maybe CR has better advice. On running, the only good advice I've read that I can share is that you should get two pairs of running shoes that fit your foot type and alternate pairs each time you run. Your feet will form patterns in the sole that lead to injuries, and alternating shoes will prevent this from happening.

random - 9-12-2008 at 12:54 AM

To answer the second question... running is a high-impact exercise. Pretty much any other cardio in a gym will be lower impact, meaning less knee injury. If you're not into the gym, try getting a bike and doing long distances. As for blasting the fat, I really don't know how lower-impact cardio (elliptical, track instead of street running, etc) compares to higher impact cardio, but my guess is that it's more about physical effort and less about impact/pain/injury.

upyerbum - 9-12-2008 at 01:09 AM

Swimming is the best low impact cardio you can do.
Try the Fartlick(sp?) method if your looking to build endurance fast. Its a run/walk/jog thing. And yes ithat's what its called.

Jason the Magnificent - 9-12-2008 at 05:46 AM

I've lost 70 lbs now in a year from eating better (ww) and walking at 4mph on a treadmill each day for a half hour...yes thats right the uber lazymans workout of 2 miles. I also do some mild totally unstructured lifting a couple times a week. I loathe working out.

The weight didn't fly off it peeled off and is more likely to STAY off that way...I stopped going to the gym for a month this summer and even with the bbq's and beer I still was losing weight (VERY slowly) and now that I've been going for about 6 weeks again I've dropped anohter 8.

Last august I was 265, this morning I weighted in at 193.

xoversux - 9-12-2008 at 06:43 AM

How long have you been running? If you just started, then yes your knees/shins will hurt for the first few months.

Your actually at a pretty good pace.

First off get yourself a heart rate monitor and let that be your guide. It will tell you if you are sucking wind or doing nothing, you need to be between those.

Map out a half mile and try to do 6-8 pickups of that half mile at 5 minutes with a 2 minute rest in between.

clevohardcore - 9-12-2008 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by xoversux
How long have you been running? If you just started, then yes your knees/shins will hurt for the first few months.

Your actually at a pretty good pace.

First off get yourself a heart rate monitor and let that be your guide. It will tell you if you are sucking wind or doing nothing, you need to be between those.

Map out a half mile and try to do 6-8 pickups of that half mile at 5 minutes with a 2 minute rest in between.

^^^^^^ Good idea. I can see that as improving my times.

For the others questions yes this is PT stuff and I am trying to blow them out of the water. I want to OWN this and get a fucking job out of it. I already do use a couple different pair of shoes and that is working out as well. Also, I started this summer at 247 and am down to 238 last night before my workout. I am focused on 190 as my target weight but right now I just want to break under 200. I will look up that "fart" thing today after class.

clevohardcore - 9-12-2008 at 09:29 AM

I got a heart rate monitor but I never use it. IT has the strap that goes over your chest and the few times I tried to use it never worked. Everything on it does like timing etc but the heart rate part does not.

xoversux - 9-12-2008 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by clevohardcore
I got a heart rate monitor but I never use it. IT has the strap that goes over your chest and the few times I tried to use it never worked. Everything on it does like timing etc but the heart rate part does not.

Figure it out or get a new one. Knowing your limits will be the key to an effective workout.

After a while you won't need it.

Voodoobillyman - 9-12-2008 at 11:27 AM

Eliptical or swimming is best for the impact issue. I have also found that a treadmill is a little less shocking on the knees. As far as time improvement, I find wind sprints work the quickest for me. if your not against the use of over the counter chemicals to assist I prefer Hydroxycut, it works fast as long as you stick to your exercise and diet correctly. You will lose more weight than normal with this stuff.

BKT - 9-12-2008 at 02:10 PM

If you have knee pain from running then stop. The only thing running will do is make whatever part of your knee is damaged (which is why there is pain) get worse. To keep up with your cardio you can walk, swim, use the elliptical or any other machine at the gym that is low impact.

The other thing I would suggest is going to a knee specialist and finding out what is wrong with you knee. The good thing about knee pain is if you find the root of the problem early or before too much damage has occurred you can avoid surgery. Now usually I would tell you to strengthen your knee up by working legs at the gym, but I don't know what is wrong with it so I am reluctant to suggest any certain exercise. To harvest a guess if impact it what hurst you may be looking at a slight meniscus tear, which even with surgery is not that hard to come back from. I had surgery for a torn meniscus and was able to walk the day I had the surgery.

As far as the best way to lose weight. In short. Eat right and at the right times as well. Don't eat huge meals, smaller meals more often will work much better. Also try not to eat large amounts of food too late at night. And stay away from bad foods.

Keep up the cardio as long as you can make is low impact.

Add some weights into your program as well. Low weight and high reaps is what you want to be doing right now.

Good luck brother,


moron - 9-12-2008 at 02:31 PM

I had knee pain from running and just finishe physical therapy. I ran on monday and felt great. My physical therapist had suggested using the bike or the eliptical instead of running, because they're much easier on the knees. I hate the eliptical and find running much more satisfying.

Good luck with your training. You're goals are more impressive than mine. Just stick with it.

clevohardcore - 9-12-2008 at 05:34 PM

I wne to the knee specialized and had x-rays and have no serious issues other than "runners knee" That is patilla something syndrome. Basically the cap bangs around more than normal and that causes the pain. Losing weight is one way to cut down on it apparently. So that led me to the how to lose weight fast idea.

So does this HYDROXYCUT work? Is it dangerous or give you the shakes? I really don't want to take things like that but I might try it if it is beneficial.

BKT - 9-12-2008 at 07:22 PM

Stay away from that shit dude. It is not good for you no matter what any one tells you. Hate to say it, hark work is the best way to do this and the safest. Try working in a leg program to your routine and you will notice a difference down the road. Best thing you can do is strengthen the muscles around your knee.


clevohardcore - 9-12-2008 at 07:43 PM

I'm all about the hard work end of it, I am just open to a boost thats all. Honestly I will not take that anyway, I heard crazy stories back when it was popular.

DaveMoral - 9-12-2008 at 08:38 PM

I have get knee pain from running, and even sometimes from doing my circle walking practice for the martial art that I do. One thing I always notice on bad knee days... Tartar squats ALWAYS make me feel better. Also known as Hindu squats.

clevohardcore - 9-12-2008 at 08:52 PM

I get "tarter squats" from bad cheese.


Na, seriuosly I'll look those moves up online and see if its something I can incorporate into my workout.

CR83 - 9-12-2008 at 11:05 PM

Clevo, I have some shit I need to dig up for you and I'll e-mail. I need a couple of days.

basically, find "full body" workouts. Working large muscle groups. First exercise you push, on the next one with no rest you want to pull. Rest 20 to 30 seconds and repeat. I'll hook you up.