Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

need to vent

Lucabrasi - 9-22-2008 at 07:09 PM

I feel like im carrying the financial burden for myself and my mother and it suck bad. Ever since my dad died its been in the back of my mind that the insurance money is gonna run out and she is gonna have a hard time keeping up with bills. My mom isnt bad with money and she will lend me money if I need it but sometimes I wish she would stop being so generous with family members and think about her on finances. I just talked to her and she said she was stressed about being able to pay for heat for the winter. She gets her heat through electricity so she cannot apply for fuel assistance. I owe her $300 which I'll pay her on Wednesday but it is stressing me out because I cant not help but feel responsible for her lack of money. Even when I pay her back the $300 I'm still gonna have this horrible feeling of worry for my mother. She will get widow payments starting in March but she cannot make over a certain amount and if she does the checks will stop coming. She talked about getting a second job and she already works 7 days straight with 2 days off and then back to 7 days. I just cant seem to focus on anything else and its driving me crazy.

ok I'm done.

XHonusWagnerX - 9-22-2008 at 07:54 PM

that sucks man. I know that XnMeX had a bunch of financial issues with his mom, but it was about her not taking care of things, which is sounds like your mom is doing so its the same situation.... that being said, maybe he can help out with some of the feelings you're having anyway.

barc0debaby - 9-22-2008 at 09:56 PM

My mom was to proud to let me know she couldn't make the electric bill a few years back. Power company shut our shit off on christmas eve. Use the hell out of goverment assitance. Californias got a program to insulate the attic, replace a outside doors, and do weather striping for dirt cheap, little things but they help alot.

Lucabrasi - 9-22-2008 at 11:51 PM

im going to start looking into gov assistance for my mom. Hopefully it will help her out. I'd really hate to see her have to take on a second job.

XHonusWagnerX - 9-23-2008 at 08:14 AM

My mom is totally on government assistance. Shes on disability & lives in a high-rise building. She has back & leg problems and basicly walks so bent over shes like a Right Angle. That being said, I still think she should or at least could have been capable of working.

BDx13 - 9-23-2008 at 10:15 AM

my brothers, i do not know what to say.
you all have some challenging shit going on in your lives.
it's got to be hard to tell an adult - especially when it's your parents - that they need help.

MikeCore - 9-23-2008 at 12:23 PM

Yeah lets have the Feds bail every body out and then they can own us all....great idea.