Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Make-Believe Maverick: A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and...

BDx13 - 10-14-2008 at 07:26 AM

the writing definitely leans to the left, but the story covers a number of historical situations i was unaware of.

Lucabrasi - 10-14-2008 at 09:04 AM

I'm still gonna vote for the guy.

Discipline - 10-14-2008 at 09:06 AM

Informative article. I already knew about his involvement in the Keating scandals, but he's a bigger douche than I thought. I'd still take him over Obama though. - 10-14-2008 at 01:56 PM

Even more reason to hate this fuck. Fuck McCain and I hope he has a heart attack the next time he utters, "my friends."

defstarsteve - 10-14-2008 at 03:31 PM

the october surprise is mccain has a heart attack tomoorw night at the debate
and pallin goes to the top of the ticket...
and russia just says fuck it you guys are too stupid to live and nukes us...

Mark Lind - 10-14-2008 at 03:48 PM

This article was great. Who knew that his plane in Vietnam was the third one that he crashed? Or that he was the douche that misfired on the Aurcraft Carrier and killed 130+ other soldiers?

moron - 10-15-2008 at 04:49 PM

I got Rolling Stone for a while and every issue has some political article. Always VERY left leaning. I lean more that way than the other myself, but I always hoped that they'd show the bad sides of both parties. I don't know if they wrote articles ripping Clinton when he was in office, but they sure went after Bush in every issue I got. They called him the "Worst President Ever" in one.

DaveMoral - 10-16-2008 at 12:49 AM

Well, I didn't even finish the article and I have less respect for McCain than ever. Seriously... dude could just comandeer a fighter plane to visit his girlfriend? Are you kidding me? To top it off he crashed the fucking thing!

Also, after reading what I did... the only way you can apply to "maverick" to John McCain is if you're doing it in reference to Tom Cruise's character in Top Gun... jack off fighter jock.

xoversux - 10-16-2008 at 07:34 AM

I've know about his douchbaggery for years.

His tax plan sucks, his heath care plan sucks, his energy policy sucks.....

Don't vote for him because you don't like Obama, that's just stupid. Do some research into both of their polices and make a decision, or stay home.

moron - 10-16-2008 at 10:50 AM

or vote for a third party...

One of my friends is convinced nothing in this country is gonna change until a strong third party emerges as a political power. He now considers himself to be a Libertarian. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. That kind of describes him. - 10-16-2008 at 02:00 PM

The only thing with voting third party is you are wasting your vote. I can't see a third party winning or coming close in the next 50 years.

DaveMoral - 10-16-2008 at 03:36 PM

Strange thing about the Libertarians is that they harbor some scary folks. I mean, they've got some ultra right wing people there who basically consider themselves libertarian because they want to keep their guns. Other than that they can be ultra racist nutters. Take Pat Buchanan for instance.

upyerbum - 10-16-2008 at 08:32 PM

Canada has 5 main parties, I can't remember how many registered parties but its in the hundreds. I actually prefer a minority government because they have to make concessions to each other to get anything done.

tireironsaint - 10-16-2008 at 08:40 PM

Originally posted by
The only thing with voting third party is you are wasting your vote.

All votes in this system are wasted votes. You can't fix a broken system by playing the same game every four years. No politician is interested in actually changing what's wrong with our government and even if one of them was interested in that, there's no way that they would ever get to power and if they did, there's no way they could actually effect that change. It's impossible to change this system from within and I can't believe otherwise because there's less proof for that than there is for pigs having the ability to fly. - 10-16-2008 at 10:46 PM

Originally posted by tireironsaint
Originally posted by
The only thing with voting third party is you are wasting your vote.

All votes in this system are wasted votes. You can't fix a broken system by playing the same game every four years. No politician is interested in actually changing what's wrong with our government and even if one of them was interested in that, there's no way that they would ever get to power and if they did, there's no way they could actually effect that change. It's impossible to change this system from within and I can't believe otherwise because there's less proof for that than there is for pigs having the ability to fly.

So you're saying the only change that can occur is from the outside like the average man?

DaveMoral - 10-16-2008 at 11:19 PM

Sounds to me like the only solution is a revolution.

tireironsaint - 10-17-2008 at 07:43 AM

Originally posted by
Originally posted by tireironsaint
Originally posted by
The only thing with voting third party is you are wasting your vote.

All votes in this system are wasted votes. You can't fix a broken system by playing the same game every four years. No politician is interested in actually changing what's wrong with our government and even if one of them was interested in that, there's no way that they would ever get to power and if they did, there's no way they could actually effect that change. It's impossible to change this system from within and I can't believe otherwise because there's less proof for that than there is for pigs having the ability to fly.

So you're saying the only change that can occur is from the outside like the average man?
I'm saying the corruption and old boy network is so deeply entrenched in this system that the only way it's going to be resolved is by tearing it down and starting over.

Six66Mike - 10-17-2008 at 08:05 AM

Can't argue the comments above. The only way to change it is from the ground up. It sounds corny but revolution is the only way to go to fix something beyond repair. There needs to be an economic revolution instead of handing out money, might as well have a political one as well. There have been hundreds of revolutions throughout history and each has brought change, for better or worse, to corrupt systems so why not another one, honestly?