Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

District 9

MyOwnWay - 8-23-2009 at 09:17 AM

Gotta be honest, its killing me that (what looks like) some crappy alien movie is now associated with a Hardcore band I love.

And the logos are similiar. I think Myke needs paid on some copywrite infringement ;)

clevohardcore - 8-23-2009 at 09:39 AM

I remember seeing the name DISTRICT 9 on comic books toys and GI JOE stuff. My father was saying something about DISTRICT 9 being popular when he was a kid, but he thinks bigfoot exists so whatever.

Enyo - 8-23-2009 at 10:35 PM

I just saw this today and have to say... I loved it. ofcourse I get very emotionally involved in movies as a general rule and there were multiple parts that made me weepy.
The flower part at the end was soo sweet.

mattybar - 8-24-2009 at 08:23 AM

not out over here yet but i managed to find a fairly decent copy online.
great film.
not totally flawless but i really enjoyed it.
can't wait to get it on dvd so i can check out all the extras and stuff.

tireironsaint - 8-24-2009 at 01:52 PM

It had it's good parts, but a gaping plot hole or two kinda ruined it for me. Effects were definitely well done, although a couple of spots at the beginning weren't quite as smooth as they shoulda been.