Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Bathtub won't drain...

XnMeX - 9-19-2009 at 08:10 PM

Ok, time for a fun story...

My GF gets out of the showwer this morning and says "Great, the showwer is clogged!" and this is before I got to take my shower. She put some drayno in it and it's not moving anywhere. So, I have a friend that lives the next state over that is training with his father to be a plumber so I explain it to him and ask what to do. He basically says chemicals and try to get a good seal around it with the plunger. I had tried the plunger already and we put regular drayno in with no luck so... I head to Home Depot, check on all the "other brands" and they all have the same active ingrediant as drayno so I got Drayno GEL which is for standing water. I used that, let it set for a while, plunged, repeat. No luck. Tried running some hot water and it just filled up more. Tried a coat hanger and it was getting jammed and not getting anywhere. I "googled" and didn't find much but I decided to go in there and try to take off the switch plate for the drain mechanism to see if that might do anything by chance. As I am undoing the first screw I stopped, screwed it back in and tried somthing... Namely, flippng the drainage switch the other way.

Yeah, it drained right out!

I was pretty close to calling a plumber to come over or seeing if my friend could come up.

Problem solved! ;)

Enyo - 9-19-2009 at 09:47 PM

I just did this EXACT thing with the bathroom sink... and then hubby comes home from work and "fixes" it for me.

Spoiler - 9-20-2009 at 12:27 AM

Dear Lord
That has Never happened to me ;)

REV.PAULIE - 9-20-2009 at 09:23 AM

this jerk-off i knew complained of a clogged bathtub for about 5 years of him living in his apartment...until my buddy went in,and lifted/adjusted the standpipe next to the tub.

DaveMoral - 9-20-2009 at 10:29 AM

Sometimes you gotta watch out for those nasty hairballs too... and all you have to do that is remove the obstruction. I saw an infomericial for a new product for that which is basically just a long piece of pipe cleaner you just stick in there and pull the hair out.

CR83 - 9-21-2009 at 12:56 PM

Takes a real man to admit this on the board. Proud of you Bud. I can also see it happening to me.

XnMeX - 9-21-2009 at 03:27 PM

Figured the Thorp board would enjoy it... At least I figured it out without calling a plumber to come out... THEN I wouldn't have posted it here! ;)