Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

I hate my fucking job

XHonusWagnerX - 10-5-2009 at 11:36 AM

I know that there are some out of work people on the board and I know I should consider myself lucky to have a job, but I've been having a really shitty time here the last few weeks. Its a fucking miserable place to be and its literally full of assholes and idiots.

I was a supervisor (not a great one) at my old job so even though I'm a pee-on here everyonce in a while I want to fix a problem that effects me. Unfortuntnaly there is NO ONE to go to about problems. My supervisor has given up so he doesnt care. The people above him are the major problem so going to them is pointless... its insanity!!

I couldnt make up 1/2 the stuff that goes on here....

1. I have been scheduled for between 10 and 36 hours of OVERTIME every week for the last few months. I literally have about 2 hours of work per day so I spend the majority of my day everyday sitting here staring at the wall, posting here, playing flash games etc. That may sound awesome, but the day goes by SO slow that its unbearable!!!!!

2. Theres a woman that works in the stockroom department that falls asleep on an almost daily basis. She has been woken up by supervisors & other workers and she has never been repremanded. Before anyone suggests it, she does not have a medical issue... shes just fucking lazy!

3. There is a woman that works in the office that wears so much of this purfume that reeks that most people hold their breath for about 10 feet before & after here when they are walking by her. She used to come to a file cabinet in my office and I had to get up because she smells so fucking bad!

4. Theres a guy in the receiving department that eats EXACTLY the same things at EXACTLY the same times every day. He uses the same plastic bags & aluminum foil. I'm not exagerating this... he literally eats 14 almonds every day at 7:00am. He also shits 3-4 times a day and grunts and groans like hes giving birth to a 30 pound baby in the stall.

5. Theres a woman that works in the customer service department that is SO rude to people that other customer service people apologize for her. God forbid they talk to her about it or tell her boss... nah! Just let her be a total bitch to everyone. She did this to me enough times that I wont even go to that department anyone no matter what the issue I'm having is.

6. The H.R. department should be the 1 place that someone can always feel comfortable going to, but not at my job! Most of the time the door to the HR offices is shut. Sometimes its locked even though there are 2-3 people in there and there are seperate offices (also with doors) that they could use if they were talking about something very private. Even when the door IS open if you go on there the 3 woman in there look at you like you just walked in on them talking about you and they got caught. No matter what you ask for its like your putting them out So much... god for bid they do their fucking jobs!!

7. Theres another guy in receiving (who I'm friendly with) that talks to his wife on the phone like 10 times a day! He spends more time on the phone in 1 day at work then I do in a month! There are also text messages going back and forth between the phone calls. How can someone spend that much time on the phone and a supervisor doesnt say anything? Who knows!

8. Theres a third guy in receiving that works almost all the overtime. He comes in between 3:00am and 5:00am depending how much overtime we have that day. He walks in, pulls out his laptop and then unplugs the wire from the company phone so he can plug his computer into the network. He then procedes to play around on the internet using facebook & playing MobWars for up to 4 hours. He also goes back to his laptop plugging it back into the company network to check on his 'mob' periodicly during the day.

9. We have a 3rd shift that consists of only 7 people. The shift is from 11:00pm to 7:00am with a 20 minute paid lunch break. They can also work overtime hours before 11:00 or after 7:00. These 7 people leave work at 7:00am feeling more refreshed then the 1st shift people feel coming in at the same time. Why you may ask? Well thats because the entire 3rd shift sleeps for between 6-7 hours a night!

10. The guy that is in charge of the entire facility in Avon, MA as well as being responsible for some stuff that happens in the Houston, TX shop is borderline retarted. He gives semi-monthly speeches to the eitire work force and in one 25 minute speach I actually counted 163 times that he said "Uhm". He also really love the hi-five and fist bump when he thinks something has gone well. I recently saw him and another guy do a coriagrafed move that was a hi-five followed by a fist bump as they both said "NICE!" and they they both did some little dance. Keep in mind this was going on in the office area in front of a few higher-ups and some guests from outside the company.

11. Theres so much more I could probably go on forever.....

BDx13 - 10-5-2009 at 12:39 PM

this kind of stuff always amazes me.
it just blows my mind that this level of inefficiently occurs in this day and age.
i assume this isn't a publicly held company?

Six66Mike - 10-5-2009 at 12:40 PM

Aside from the smelly bitch and, well all the people by the sounds of it, I would love that job lol. Sit on the PC all day and get work done for my servers, take naps, wander off whenever and nobody gives a shit. :thumbup:

ShawnRefuse - 10-5-2009 at 01:00 PM

I hear ya man. But hey take it all in, write a screen play. Hey, you might be the next Mike Judge.

Honus Space.

Jason the Magnificent - 10-5-2009 at 01:07 PM

Most places have people like that. This one guy works back here in my dept (3 people so we know everything that goes on with each other) like and ancient master in the art of fucking off.

Spends a healthy 2 hours of his 8 shift in the toilet stall daily. We know it's him because he does this OCD sniffing thing that sounds like his a bloodhound looking for a trail. That is one quarter of his pay being handed over to him to read the paper in the shitter.

Our hours are 7-3:30 with 30 minute lunch. They're flexible if you need different hours but as near as I can tell he just works different hours for the hell of it...6:45 to 3:15.

He comes in at 6:45, fires up his computer and opens up the newspaper (even though since he's going to leave at 3:15 he's technically on the clock.) then sometime between 6:50 and 7:00 he makes a bowl of instant otameal and a cup of tea, then eats it. The catch here is he fucking SLURPS the oatmeal like it's soup...every fucking bite sounds like he's slurping up a 7 foot long noodle. Then he makes a satisfied tongue smacking sound followed by some type of tooth sucking. He then clinks the spoon in the bowl several times. Rinse repeat till the bowl is gone.

Around 8:30-9am he takes a 25-40 minute shit.

Around 10:45 to 11:00am he takes a 20-30 minute shit.

He heats up his lunch at 11:45, always the same pyrex dish wrapped in a plastic shopping bag. Commence further tooth sucking to the nth degree.

Around 1:30 he takes a 25-40 minute shit.

At 2:30 to 2:45 he takes a shit until 3:10...exactly. Everyday.

At 3:10 he comes back to the desk to check his email, log off his machine and head out the door by 3:15.

So between all this he does some work right?

Lets say that between random shits or tea trips hes got 5 1/2 hrs left of the day.

He used to spend a good 1/3 of that time playing solitaire and another 1/3 in some type of Russin facebook, at least. Then the reprimanded him so he stopped playing solitaire.

He then spent the majority of the time on this Russian facebook, they reprimanded him on that.

Now he has a new schtick which seems permamnent.

1/3 of the time is spent faking like he's working in CAD

another 1/3 is spent typing in Russian into CAD to copy and paste the text into something else...what we're not sure of. basically so it looks like he's working in CAD.

the final 1/3 is spent turning 5 minutes worth of work into 90 minutes...and then making sighing noises frequently so everyone knows how rough he has it.

JawnDiablo - 10-5-2009 at 01:12 PM

Josh, I had no idea you worked at the same place as me.
Where is your desk at, and can i borrow a Slapshot CD to listen to over at my desk?

Jason the Magnificent - 10-5-2009 at 01:13 PM

oh...the Russian stuff he's typing...some type of travel logs on American national parks and the Indians that used to live there....either that or poetry.

also, when he gets under any kind of if someone asks him a question...insane stuff like how long something will does this OCD throat clearing that sounds like Pacino doing the HOOOOOOOOA in Scent of a Woman...I'm not shitting you that it's probably 10x's fucking epic. He used to make that noise randomly ALL DAY would literally startle people passing by. They actually had to have HR ask him to stop doing it.

JawnDiablo - 10-5-2009 at 01:14 PM

when i get home i will make a detailed list of the strangoids here and the antics i deal with on a daily basis.....they may be watching.

Vanilla Gorilla - 10-5-2009 at 01:20 PM

My workplace is nowhere near as interesting as you guys, i just have a lot of lazy people that aren't all that intelligent.

XnMeX - 10-5-2009 at 03:30 PM

Originally posted by XHonusWagnerX
I literally have about 2 hours (or less) of work (Cleaning) per day so I spend the majority of my day everyday sitting here staring at the wall, posting here, playing flash games etc. That may sound awesome, but the day goes by SO slow that its unbearable!!!!!

Me too... except I don't get paid and I occasionally take my bike for a ride. Not much else you can do without money.

As for all the other stuff, it's not you losing money so fuck it! Do what you need to do so if the whip ever does crack down, you will still be all set.

clevohardcore - 10-5-2009 at 05:57 PM

Dude,,,,,,,,,, hook. it. up. :singing:

Spoiler - 10-5-2009 at 07:17 PM

"Sounds like somebody is having a case of the Mondays"
Office Space

I know exactly how yous feel....I work with some fucking idiots myself.

barc0debaby - 10-5-2009 at 08:46 PM

Its too bad your straight edge..... That sounds like the perfect job to smoke weed at.

XHonusWagnerX - 10-6-2009 at 06:45 AM

Originally posted by XnMeX
Originally posted by XHonusWagnerX
I literally have about 2 hours (or less) of work (Cleaning) per day so I spend the majority of my day everyday sitting here staring at the wall, posting here, playing flash games etc. That may sound awesome, but the day goes by SO slow that its unbearable!!!!!

Me too... except I don't get paid and I occasionally take my bike for a ride. Not much else you can do without money.

As for all the other stuff, it's not you losing money so fuck it! Do what you need to do so if the whip ever does crack down, you will still be all set.

I understand what youre saying, but having come from a manager position where I busted my ass and it was never good enough... and having a failed retail buisness... a failed internet buisness... failed bands.... Its just hard to see the nonsense here and have a work ethic where I NEED to do my work everyday and see other people doing nothing. I hate them... they should all die.

jonnynewbreed - 10-6-2009 at 12:01 PM

Watch this video. Local musician that is awesome and plays the banjo.

I present: I quit my job by Old Man Luedecke: