Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board


JawnDiablo - 10-27-2010 at 10:44 AM

or Mush
anyone familiar with this stuff?
my girlfriend came home with a tube of it and I am a little scared of it.
she says you fry t up and eat it and it's good.
looks suspicious, and I am a Scrapple eater so that says a lot I guess...

Johnny_Whistle - 10-27-2010 at 11:38 AM

When in doubt, add bacon.

When suspicious, add more bacon and maybe some ketchup.

tireironsaint - 10-27-2010 at 11:40 AM

I've had it several times. Usually it's pretty bland, fries up into little cakes and it's corn based, so there's nothing to be worried about, it just takes something especially flavorful to go with it to make it worthwhile, in my opinion. I've had it a couple of times where it was really good, but usually it just tastes like dry cornbread without much flavor or moistness.

Colin - 10-27-2010 at 12:02 PM

I love the shit, but I couldn't imagine eating it plain, kid of like tofu. My favorite is with eggs & sausage or bacon & some sautee'd peppers & onions. There's some flavored ones, I like a particular green chili cilantro one, but the flavors pretty subtle. I like to fry it in cubes so I get the maximum crispy fried awesomeness

BDx13 - 10-27-2010 at 01:46 PM

when prepared correctly, it can be amazing.

moforn - 10-29-2010 at 01:17 AM

I think it's basically Italian cornbread- nothing spectacular on it's own but can be the base of a great meal.

REV.PAULIE - 10-29-2010 at 06:51 AM

I never bought the tube,before...'Made it a bunch'o'times,myself...Real simple,but there's a lot of stirring...Can be made savory with the addition of cheese (romano/parmigiano work best) while cooking...You serve it hot,like a side,with grilled vegetables or sausage/chicken...Or,plain (maybe some sugar,or honey),then chilled and sliced and fried-up like french toast(kinda),served with syrup...

Jason the Magnificent - 10-29-2010 at 07:30 AM

Juan...for all intents and purposes, it's an alternative to pasta.

Pasta on it's own with nothing added is pretty bland. As is polenta. But cooked right with a nice sauce/finish on it it makes a nice "side" for anything you'd normally have pasta with.

Though at Italian rests., you'll most likely see it as an appetizer.

JawnDiablo - 10-29-2010 at 12:56 PM

ok now that i have an idea what to use this mush for I'm gonna give it a shot.
thanks lads.
more than likely with my hungover post halloween party breakfast tomorrow.

REV.PAULIE - 10-29-2010 at 01:33 PM

Nice poodles,you big girl.

JawnDiablo - 10-29-2010 at 02:11 PM

hey that's a vintage toaster cover...I'm being...uh retro ya know?
she decorates.
I cook crap

Jason the Magnificent - 10-29-2010 at 02:25 PM

Couldn't go wrong cooking up some sausage and peppers...then fry up some polenta patties to make a nice bed for some fried eggs.

jcarter - 10-29-2010 at 09:06 PM

My grandmother used to make it from scratch all the time and to Paul's point about the stirring, her forearms are huge. She serves it a bunch of different ways, with just her regular marinara sauce, sometimes this mushroom sauce or she would make like a chicken cacciatore and serve that over it. Now I'm starvin'...

Colin - 10-30-2010 at 02:27 PM

mmm just ate some