Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

new years resolutions

sentrand - 12-28-2010 at 02:59 PM

whos got'em?

lifeisabitch - 12-28-2010 at 03:01 PM

not to fucking kill everyone i see

Colin - 12-28-2010 at 03:25 PM

quit smoking (again). Not purchase alcohol for 1 month, A- to save money for my February vacation, B- just because (free alcohol will be gratefully accepted). Keep up on the workout routine I've been getting into lately

MikeResist - 12-28-2010 at 03:31 PM

Staying committed to losing weight and following the diet that the doctors have given me is my priority #1.

barc0debaby - 12-28-2010 at 04:43 PM

Continue to be awesome.

JawnDiablo - 12-28-2010 at 04:48 PM

to crap at least twice daily. regularity is important.

BKT - 12-28-2010 at 09:03 PM

Read more.
Keep up with the guitar and jamming with my friends.

And the most important one of them all :

To become and be a good father to my soon to be born daughter.


Vanilla Gorilla - 12-28-2010 at 10:44 PM

Lose weight and stick with my workouts.
Finish up my test prep, retake GMAT and get into Grad School

JawnDiablo - 12-28-2010 at 11:14 PM

I'm not one to make resolutions
I'm just setting myself some short and long term goals.

clevohardcore - 12-29-2010 at 01:50 AM

lose 30 lbs.

Dave - 12-29-2010 at 12:34 PM

Lose 20lb

Discipline - 12-29-2010 at 05:07 PM

I don't usually make 'em, but I just got a treadmill and my goal is to do some serious walking to lose weight. I also need to stop drinking Diet Coke like a junkie shoots smack. I drink waaaaaaaay to much of that delicious beverage.

random - 12-29-2010 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Finish up my test prep, retake GMAT and get into Grad School


Brit - 12-29-2010 at 08:24 PM

- write and record more songs
- play shows
- make progress with music
- keep exercising
- new job'd be nice
- visit my 2 friends in California
- take more photos
- learn to surf <--- I say this EVERY YEAR and it hasn't happened yet. Ugh.

XHonusWagnerX - 12-29-2010 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Lose 120lb

Vanilla Gorilla - 12-30-2010 at 12:52 AM

Originally posted by random
Originally posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Finish up my test prep, retake GMAT and get into Grad School


Yeah, i'd like to focus on Supply Chain Management / Logistics

Colin - 12-30-2010 at 03:41 AM

I'm hoping to shed 30 lbs as well too, that's part of the workout plan I've been on lately

JawnDiablo - 12-30-2010 at 09:53 AM

in all honesty though, all I want is to get a decent job pretty soon.
I plan to eat more meat in 2011.
Try more beers.
Fix the car.
Buy another car.
Work out / feel better
go on vacation in Cali
move to another place.
save money
catch some Phillies games
and take care of whatever I have been putting off / dragging my feet on

Vanilla Gorilla - 12-30-2010 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by juandiablo

I plan to eat more meat in 2011.

Best resolution i have seen so far

JawnDiablo - 1-1-2011 at 02:51 PM

I was given a case of Yards Brawler last night.
starting off 2011 correctly!

clevohardcore - 1-1-2011 at 11:18 PM

so ate like shit today and feel like shit.

CR83 - 1-2-2011 at 11:32 PM

get promoted and buy a new house. These are more goals vs. resolutions though. I'm coming up on one year at my company. I'm eligible for promotion and my boss has confirmed I'm in line. Oh, our house is on the market too. Anyone want to move to STL? Huh? Huh? STL, pretty pretty sweet in all of it's slow moving midwestness.

Good luck to everyone who posted up on this thread too!

sentrand - 1-2-2011 at 11:37 PM

Originally posted by clevohardcore
so ate like shit this weekend and feel like shit.
gotta get back to eating how ihave been the last month or so. hoping tpo take off another 20-30 lbs.