Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Been a while.........

wez138 - 4-28-2011 at 10:49 AM

Hello I just thought I'd drop in and say hi...........So the thing goes is........I'm still messed up and miss my ex like crazy.......Even after everything she did in the final months of our relationship....Her and the 40 year old married man (who happens to have had countless affairs before) are now living together, Most people say I'm better off without and yeah that's a straight logic way of thinking about it.........But that still doesn't stop the fact that I now feel even more alone than I did while she was around. I miss her I miss my dog. It's her 21st going up soon and that's gonna be a hard day for me.........I know I'm acting like a complete spazz.......But that's just the way I feel.

As a great man once sang............I still miss someone.

Johnny_Whistle - 4-28-2011 at 11:07 AM

Hey Wez,
Chin up, man. I'm going through something very similar right now. It's tough, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. At least I keep telling myself that...:grin:

Discipline - 4-28-2011 at 12:22 PM

Sleep with her best friend, that'll teach her!!!!!

In all seriousness, hang with the boys and take your mind off her and move on to better things.

mattybar - 4-28-2011 at 12:30 PM

take some time out from where you are (physically and mentally) to look out for (and after) yourself.
join a gym, get healthy, book yourself a holiday somewhere nice and hot.
you will be surprised just how much of a difference this will make.

right now you need some change in your life so basically just get out there, mate.

morgan - 4-28-2011 at 01:25 PM

Sorry to hear man. Keep your head up.

MattyA - 4-28-2011 at 05:04 PM

Keep your head up, do what mattybar said and take a vacationsome place nice.

clevohardcore - 4-28-2011 at 05:46 PM

You aint winning her over trying to get her back that is for sure. Move on, hang out with your friends, join a freaking gym. Post on THORP.

wez138 - 5-5-2011 at 10:09 AM

The thing is now the summer is hitting here I spend all my time at work......Which is starting to really grate. An old flame come back into my life last week and it's burning bright which is cool. But just to add extra stings my ex text me replying to a message I'd sent 2 weeks before hand......And clevo I did fight for the girl......For 4-5 months!!! I put up with the lies,betrayal and confusion......which either reflects my love for her or how little I feel about myself? I'm cycling alot more to work now I've got the energy to drag myself out of bed, and it aint the first time some little girl ripped out my heart and tore my world apart but i'm begining to think will I ever truly make someone happy.