Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Oi records for sale

Discipline - 6-13-2011 at 12:31 PM

This guy has a lot of good stuff for sale.

Mark Lind - 6-13-2011 at 01:00 PM

If he can get $10 for the live Anti-Heros LP on Taang then I wonder how much I could get for my original pressing of their "Don't Tread on Me" LP.

panzerkreuzer - 6-13-2011 at 01:06 PM

how much is the regular price for the bruisers 7"s?
i would pay 10 bucks for the anti heroes lp. too much?

Discipline - 6-13-2011 at 01:43 PM

I don't think $10 is too expensive. The only thing that sucks is the guys shipping rates for outside the U.S. are ridiculous.

Mark Lind - 6-13-2011 at 01:50 PM

Can we discuss the concept of RAC? Rock Against Communists, right? However the lyrics hardly support that term.

Discipline - 6-13-2011 at 02:47 PM


random - 6-13-2011 at 02:55 PM

No doubt in my mind that the seller is John from Vulture Rock Records. The username american-defense made me think it might have been the guy from American Defense Records, but I think he disappeared long ago. I've bought from John on eBay before and would have no problem doing it again. Strange that the address is in Ohio, but whatever. I'm still guessing it's him.

Honus - You want to check this out: I know you have some copies, but not sure if you have the Japanese bootleg or the test press yet.

Mark - Yeah, RAC is Rock Against Communism. As far as I know, the term was a response to the Rock Against Racism gigs that some British anti-fascist or anti-racist groups were doing (though, funny and often overlooked, a big part of the RAR gigs was apparently a response to Eric Clapton giving some pro-Enoch Powell comments at concerts). I'm not sure what you mean about the lyrics hardly supporting the term though. They're all anti-communist, and it's often expressed in their lyrics. However, I'm guessing you are referring to the fact that RAC is a euphemism for "white power" music. That's true, and you'll get no argument about that from me. I'm under the impression that the RAC term was used mainly for two reasons. First, they were responding to the (accurate) allegations from many leftist groups and lumped them all under the umbrella of "communists." Second, the early RAC gigs were organized by the National Front, which was (and is) a far-right political party, so I think there was always an attempt to sanitize the racism a bit for the mainstream. A third aspect, I suspect, is that the term was meant to be a banner for all "pro-white" bands to play under regardless of political affiliation... that was a big part of the founding of Blood and Honour, as those bands felt like they were being ripped off and controlled by British political parties. So it was a catch-all term for any kind of white power band, whether national socialist or not.

Mark Lind - 6-13-2011 at 03:02 PM

They're misusing the term Communism. Though I shouldn't be surprised that a bunch of bone headed racists would just look to what could be considered extreme left and generalize. :lol:

random - 6-13-2011 at 03:11 PM

That's true, Mark, but it happens just as much from the moderate- to extreme-left. How many people get called a Nazi or fascist just because they're conservative or racist? Not that I'm cool with conservatives or racism, but they're not the same thing as fascism and national socialism. When libertarians are being accused of being neo-Nazis, there's a problem... and I'm not sympathetic to libertarianism.

Political rhetoric is dominated by simple-minded simplifications instead of truth, accuracy, and details.

Mark Lind - 6-13-2011 at 03:23 PM

You just described the stage banter of Anti-Flag right there.

One would think that at some point in the past 30 years someone would have raised their hand and pointed out that the C in RAC isn't really accurate though.

mike_ - 6-13-2011 at 04:20 PM

I'd love to see a study where they would go through hundreds of RAC lyrics and count the WP/anti-communist theme ratio haha...

Come to think of it, how many RAC anti-commie songs you know that deal with China or, let's say, Cuba?I guess communism for some is bad only in white areas.

necrobutcher - 6-13-2011 at 08:33 PM

Anyone know who this is? I'm dying to know what RAC band can command 247.50 for vinyl. Goddamn, I thought hardcore kids were bad.

Discipline - 6-13-2011 at 10:30 PM

Could be this band.

panzerkreuzer - 6-14-2011 at 07:06 AM

it is.

joey - 6-14-2011 at 09:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by random  
No doubt in my mind that the seller is John from Vulture Rock Records. The username american-defense made me think it might have been the guy from American Defense Records, but I think he disappeared long ago. I've bought from John on eBay before and would have no problem doing it again. Strange that the address is in Ohio, but whatever. I'm still guessing it's him.

John is ''turntableteen''.
I bought some ydl records off of him a few months ago.

random - 6-20-2011 at 04:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joey  

John is ''turntableteen''.
I bought some ydl records off of him a few months ago.

I've seen him use at least two accounts. The other is some female's name and something like a pawn shop, like "marias_antiques" or something along those lines. The layout of all the listings just seems too uncanny (records, test presses, everything in all caps, etc)... the only thing missing is for him to put

HAMMER A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

at the bottom of every listing.