Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

this phone hacking scandal is fucking insane

BDx13 - 7-19-2011 at 11:09 AM

this shit sounds like the plot to a movie.

employees of Murdoch's "News of the World" hacked the cell phones of thousands of people, including celebrities, 9/11 victims and a murdered teen

as a result...
- the paper ceased operations after 168 years
- the CEO of the paper resigned and has been arrested
- the main whistle blower from within the company committed suicide
- the UK's top two cops have resigned
- now there's talk that the prime minister might be forced to resign because of he hired the paper's former editor as his communications chief

Discipline - 7-19-2011 at 12:00 PM

I've been following this story, it's fucking crazy. The sheer number of hacks is right in line with some 1984-type paranoia.

mattybar - 7-19-2011 at 12:25 PM

it's truly nuts.
this story is gonna keep going for a long time.

Johnny_Whistle - 7-19-2011 at 03:40 PM

Mark my words, we're going to start learning about similar activity on this side of the Atlantic from the same company. There are already scattered stories trickling out as we speak. I hope the Justice Department starts looking into it. The man made his fortune in trashy tabloids, and he had no idea his paper was doing this? Get real.

Six66Mike - 7-19-2011 at 06:37 PM

Just goes to show how intertwined major media is involved with politics and the policies and decisions made aren't exactly in the interest of the people.

No doubt this happens in the US as well and pretty much everywhere else. The media has become an extension of government.

barc0debaby - 7-20-2011 at 12:29 PM

Don't forget the whistle blower was found dead on Sunday, and the police ruled the death as not suspicious.

Mark Lind - 7-20-2011 at 12:59 PM

I gotta read more about this. I've been out of the loop in the past few weeks.

Johnny_Whistle - 7-20-2011 at 02:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by barc0debaby  
Don't forget the whistle blower was found dead on Sunday, and the police ruled the death as not suspicious.

Nope, no red flags there...

BDx13 - 7-21-2011 at 02:58 PM

A member of the Lulzsec hacking group claims to have 4 gigabytes of emails from News International's Sun newspaper and the "royal family," and is planning to release them today.

"If you look at it from both sides of the Atlantic, they've done everything wrong that one could possibly do wrong ... a failure of Crisis Management 101," Harris Diamond, chief executive of the public relations firm Weber Shandwick, told the paper. "It's just baffling to watch the defense that's been made and then the failure of the defense to stand up."

M.Alki - 7-21-2011 at 08:18 PM

Has this actually been getting a lot of coverage in the US?
It really is so ridiculously screwed up some of the stuff they have done and other things surrounding it.
Murdoch and his Son got a sort of public grilling the other day where some idiot threw a cream pie in his face and got smacked by Murdochs wife and kinda gained them a bit of popularity regardless of all that's going on which really sucks.

BDx13 - 7-21-2011 at 08:34 PM

i'd say it's been a reasonably big story here. part of that is probably because the more left-leaning news outlets are happy to talk about Rupert, and by association, Fox, in a negative light. plus, there's the 9/11 victims factor. that said, since (so far) it doesn;t look like our gov't officials have been involved at all, i'm sure it's not as big as it is there. you fucking prime minster is really getting drug through it on this. the prime minister!

BDx13 - 7-21-2011 at 08:37 PM

not sure if you'll be able to see this in the UK, but this bit on john stewart last night was funny:

The Daily Show - Accountability in the U.K - David Cameron Kills it
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Six66Mike - 7-21-2011 at 11:00 PM

The whole 4chan/Anonymous thing is retarded but LulzSec makes me extremely happy with the work they've been doing in recent months outing fucking morons like these folks.

M.Alki - 7-22-2011 at 07:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BDx13  
not sure if you'll be able to see this in the UK, but this bit on john stewart last night was funny:

Nope wont let me see it! :(