Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

BD, you like this dudes art right? What exactly did he do wrong?

clevohardcore - 9-8-2012 at 02:38 PM

barc0debaby - 9-8-2012 at 10:33 PM

Basically he took a copyrighted image , threw some color and text on it, and when the company who owned the picture sued he tried to falsify evidence during the trial, essentially committing perjury although the contempt charge sounds like he got off easy.

I think some of the shit he does is cool, but homeboy just barely skirts around being a full on plagiarist. He basically just lurks for images in the public domain, changes them a bit and profits.

clevohardcore - 9-9-2012 at 01:54 AM

I checked the site. Very informative on an artist I have no idea about personally. To be honest the little bit of art I have seen of his I always thought that is what it was supposed to be. I thought that's why every one liked it so much. It was a rebellious rip off like the straight edge shirts of the early 90's. He was the popular paint graffiti artist a while back right?

XHonusWagnerX - 9-9-2012 at 10:01 AM

He is originally from Providence and he started off making stickers that just had a picture of Andre the Giant and said 'Andre the Giant has a possee' and he ended up a multi millionaire from it. Crazy!

He really doesnt 'create' that much though. I have Bad Brains print he did, but its just a screened print of some Glenn Friendman pictures.

Colin - 9-9-2012 at 10:43 AM

my favorite part of this article is the predictibly retarded comments section. Scary to think these people can vote

JawnDiablo - 9-9-2012 at 11:52 AM

I still see those Andre the Giant stickers .
they rule.

JawnDiablo - 9-9-2012 at 11:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Colin  
my favorite part of this article is the predictibly retarded comments section. Scary to think these people can vote

there are jerk offs who spend most of their days leaving not so cleverly veiled racist comments on every news article. they usually substitute the word liberal for nigger or faggot every chance they get. Yahoo and my local news are amazing.

ShawnRefuse - 9-10-2012 at 09:58 AM

It's pop art, nothing different than what warhol did and he was a "genius" right?

XnMeX - 9-10-2012 at 12:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ShawnRefuse  
It's pop art, nothing different than what warhol did and he was a "genius" right?

Exactly, we are just more "rights" crazy now... Nothing is free for use anymore.

ShawnRefuse - 9-10-2012 at 12:50 PM

Well, that being said, if I was the photographer and he made millions I would want a cut too.

BDx13 - 9-10-2012 at 08:25 PM

like barc0debaby said, tampered w/ evidence. i used to be a fan years ago, but it doesn't do anything for me now. made a nice bundle selling my prints a few years back, though. i think early on, the knockoff thing was ok cause it was so underground. just street art. nobody was making money on it. then his shit just got nuts. the clothing like was the end of it. but like shawn said, warhol.

BDx13 - 9-10-2012 at 11:24 PM

speaking of which: