Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Vote Early Today

Colin - 10-22-2012 at 01:18 PM

& Danny from NSK wants to remind you that "With the election upon us, it is an appropriate time to remind everybody to not just OBEY and CONFORM, but to vote for who they like. Don't just vote for someone because you belong to a party!"

Colin - 10-22-2012 at 01:28 PM

apparently since I just moved or something I had to get a Provisional Ballot, which I'm now just reading about.... " Many voters do not realize that the provisional ballot is not counted until 7–10 days after election so their vote does not affect the calling of the states to different candidates." (Wikipedia).....kind of pissed about this, not sure if my vote that doesn't really count anyway doesn't really count. I've pretty much all but given up on the United States political system, I think it's rigged & will be until we have a bit of violent revolution, but as a Libertarian I want to at least contribute to the growing percentage of us out there in numbers to, if anything, give people some hope that one day maybe we will be able to challenge the two party system.

Pretty sure it's all going to hell in a hand basket, but fuck it, they give us a vote (kind of), so we might as well use it.