Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Thell Barrio

barc0debaby - 1-2-2013 at 10:16 PM

Hardcore from Mexico, intense places breed intense music.

SS76 - 1-3-2013 at 08:38 AM

Badass! Like a hardcore Brujeria.

panzerkreuzer - 1-3-2013 at 09:40 AM

they toured germany last summer. nice guys who donīt take themselves too serious . musicwise they sounded like a typical beatdown band playing brujeria covers. but it was ok.

barc0debaby - 1-3-2013 at 03:51 PM

Based solely on the merit of the music, its nothing all that original, but I feel like the social and political situation of where these dudes come from adds something that is missing from most bands in the same vein. These dudes are coming from a state that averages 120 murders a month and beheaded and butchered bodies are routinely left in public places. The emotion conveyed in the music doesn't sound contrived which is refreshing.