Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Going to New Orleans

MattyA - 7-11-2013 at 09:29 PM

Going at the beginning of August, anybody been there? Didn't Lifeisabitch use to live there? Anybody know of any cool things I should check out? Only going for three days, so my time is limited.

necrobutcher - 7-11-2013 at 10:49 PM

I hear there is a bar down that way called Pravda that specializes in absinthe. If you are into that, it might be worth checking out.

lifeisabitch - 7-12-2013 at 11:23 AM

yup lived there for 2 years
what kind of fun are you looking for?

MattyA - 7-12-2013 at 07:45 PM

Thinking about a haunted tour or going to the cemeteries, also any good restaurants or bars I should check out? Thanks!

lifeisabitch - 7-13-2013 at 03:21 PM

August is hot as balls, expect it to be around 100 degrees with 100% humidty,
a thunderstorm can appear at any moment and flood the streets and then be gone...
except the rain doesn't cool anything off just makes it more sticky

haunted tours are cool, wear comfy walking shoes
the tour guide I had was great and be on the look out for him, he has a gimped leg and uses a cane.
seems like an old punk and had way more interesting stories not just about ghosts but the lowlifes of the city

if you have the balls for it and the time this is way worth it

I know a lot of folks who have left in the middle of the night and have crazy photos of shit that ins't there

the cemeteries are a good thing for the day light hours to just go check out on your own you don't need a tour.

city park is awesome to go wander around if you have time and like nature... and would possibly want go see a gator

stay away from burbon street proper unless you like drunk frat dudes and middle aged drunk frat dudes but the quarter is interesting if you are looking for cheap drinks

go to frenchmen street that is where the locals go for music and such... a lot safer than the quarter.

as for punk clubs there is 1 and 1/2 clubs in the entire city

siberia is a cool dive bar that get's some awesome bands

check point chariles is smaller, I saw agent orange there with all of 10 people

the punk scene in nola doesn't exist.

lots of smelly street kids that would rather steal your shit for H! than go to a show.

go to magazine street

it's a street of cool mostly independent stores and restaurants and if you start towards the city section and follow the street all the way down you will find yourself in Audubon park and by the zoo...

get a sno-ball from here it will change your perspective on frozen treats

go on the riverboat paddle boat that's an experience...

as for food
there is too much and anything you could imagine.

basically think of new orleans as a smaller vegas with fewer rules...

there are casinos, drinking is legal anywhere at any time as long as it's in a cup, and there are too many bad things to do.

don't piss on the streets and watch your back late at night in the quarter, people still go missing everyday and turn up in the river and the canals. the murder rate is insane down there. the hoods don't just steal your shit they go all out, they don't give a fuck.

so yeah kind of a lot, a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there

MattyA - 7-13-2013 at 11:20 PM

Cool! Thanks, we will definitely look into doing some of that.

MattyA - 7-14-2013 at 11:20 PM

Any restaurants I should check out?

lifeisabitch - 7-15-2013 at 10:31 AM

What kind of food do you like and what is your budget?

MattyA - 7-15-2013 at 10:21 PM

Really anything, probably some Cajun food and have a po boy.

lifeisabitch - 7-15-2013 at 11:20 PM

I agree with the top 5 on this list

that should get you covered
Juan's Flying Burrito is some great mexican on magazine street

I go there everytime we go back
the guys from eyehategod work there when they are not on tour
the luau quesadilla is so fucking good

we don't eat out too often down there as my in-laws are born and raised and are always cooking way better than most of the stuff you can get out.

this is a pretty good list as well

MattyA - 7-16-2013 at 08:45 PM
