Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board


JawnDiablo - 8-8-2013 at 06:17 PM

Any of you veggie-tarians get down with this stuff?

My wife buys it, but I really don't have a taste for it yet.

Maybe I need a cool way to prepare it.

Indulge me.......

random - 8-8-2013 at 06:58 PM

Shit, I miss tempeh so much. Marinating in soy sauce is a great first step. Don't remember if I used to do a quick stir fry in olive oil, but I probably did.

A good use is homemade stir-fry with rice, veggies in sauce with sauteed tempeh.

JawnDiablo - 8-8-2013 at 07:07 PM

that's what I did tonight, and added taco seasoniong

random - 8-9-2013 at 12:00 AM

Here's my honest opinion, and I've done stints as a vegetarian and a vegan...

You will develop a taste for tempeh and well-prepared tofu if you restrict your diet so that these are major sources of protein. Tempeh doesn't taste bad. Badly prepared (i.e. most) tofu is awful.

You are most likely to develop a taste for them if you cut back on or eliminate most of the meat in your diet. Yeah, meat is delicious. You won't get any denial from me. Non-meat primary sources of protein are not so delicious unless you cut out the meat sources. Sorry to bring bad news.

Starting by mostly cutting back to chicken is probably a good first step. It's healthy, which is probably part of the wife's concern. Chicken, while not bad, gets bland and boring quickly, much like tofu and tempeh, especially if you do things like steam it with minor spices and maybe something like a slice of lemon.

Beyond that, it's up to you. Marinating in soy sauce, taco seasoning, barbecue sauce, and other things can taste good. If you want some recipes, send me a u2u... I've got a lot of veggie/vegan cookbooks in PDF that I can send you.

JawnDiablo - 8-9-2013 at 05:33 AM

it turned out tasty.
took some broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, onions and olive oil and taco seasoning with said Tempeh and roasted it at 400 for 30 minutes in the oven.

put it over rice and it was great.

it's some ugly stuff to look at before preparation, which is why I was leary. then again so is raw meat to be fair.

She had some tofu dishes in Jamaica that she said were amazing but I just didn't like they way it I was eating steak and seafood so......

DaveMoral - 8-9-2013 at 08:36 AM

I recommend looking up Indonesian and Javanese recipes for tempeh. That's where it originated. It's more of a curry thing to me than a stir fry. Look up Vegan Shortcake on YouTube for their "Thai Protein Overlord" episode.

Discipline - 8-9-2013 at 11:13 AM

Life without eating meat is a life I would never want to endure. Never heard of Tempeh, but I've tried different tofu things and it was as pleasant as getting kicked in the balls repeatedly.