Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Fast Food

RomanticViolence - 10-29-2004 at 08:54 AM

What is your favorite fast food place?

Mine is Taco Bell :)

DAN SMASH - 10-29-2004 at 09:13 AM

I cant stomach most of that fast food stuff, but if i could take one favourite take away to a desert island with me it would have to be indian, fuck i LOVE indian food. yum yum!!

moron - 10-29-2004 at 09:40 AM

most recently it's become White Castle, but I love me some Taco Bell.

Dave - 10-29-2004 at 09:46 AM

burger king or harvey's.

Thats Life - 10-29-2004 at 11:39 AM

The Bell

BDx13 - 10-29-2004 at 12:43 PM

i don't eat traditional fast food much anymore - too many other fast, low cost food options in nyc - but i do love me a Big King from the BK every now and again!

Big Ugly - 10-30-2004 at 01:31 PM

Taco Bell or Wimpy's

SAAAAARS - 10-30-2004 at 02:09 PM

anyplace with a dollar menu

shit yeah

Six66Mike - 10-30-2004 at 05:07 PM

rarely eat out like that but if I do, Wendy's.

Lilith - 11-2-2004 at 09:31 PM

the only time i eat fast food is when i'm completely desperate and there's no other choice. i'll hook up the bacon ranch chicken salad from mcdonald's or almost anything from the bell.