Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Friday night's Bad Vibes / Starkweather show

BDx13 - 11-20-2005 at 05:37 PM

- Chinatown bus to Philly, $10
- Two cheesesteaks at Geno's, $12
- Two rounds of beers at the Khyber, $15
- Replacement for lost digital camera battery, $40
- New pair of glasses to replace those smashed at the show, $500
- Meeting Thorp Board members, hanging with old friends, seeing the Bad Vibes live for the first time, and bringing my dancing boots out of retirement for the Starkweather set... priceless.

Thanks to everyone for a great fucking night. It was worth every penny.

KyleOz - 11-20-2005 at 06:35 PM

It was hell getting there time and moneywise, but I'd do it again.

I had so much fucking fun.

It was great meeting you guys.

RomanticViolence - 11-20-2005 at 08:04 PM

I wish i coulda went. Maybe next time.

Todd - 11-20-2005 at 08:25 PM

Hey Big Duane, Sorry if I was a cock on Friday but man, that city brings out the worst in me. I had a nice time talking to you but I wish I met up with some of the Thorper's that night. Show nights are weird for me to begin with but a Philly show night makes me fucking mental. Thanks to anyone that stayed to see us play and sorry for the equipment failures.

KyleOz - 11-20-2005 at 09:55 PM

That was the reoccuring question of the night "I know he said he was anti social but I want to meet that goon". I think we missed your last song though because moron and I had to catch the 1:40 am bus back to nyc.

Seriously though Starkweather and The Bad Vibes slayed. Their sets were intense.

It was good throwing back the beers and chatting up a storm with you guys.

gavin - 11-21-2005 at 03:05 AM

i found your camera battery

BDx13 - 11-21-2005 at 03:54 AM

no shit?! i thought for sure that thing was gone.

so i guess kyle and chris got the 1:40 bus ok. i went outside to give 'em directions on how to get to the station when we realized they still had stuff in my car. of course, that was like seven blocks away, so from there i just walked them over to the bus.

by then it wasgoing on 2 and i was freezing and blind. i decided that by the time i walked back down to the club, the place would be closed, and there would be no one left to say goodbye to. and there was no way i was driving in that part of town without my glasses! they were bent to fuck and one lense was missing. so on the drive back to my inlaws in west chester, i kept em on on the tip of my nose and went back and forth from the land of blury obsticles to the ol' one eye squinter when i needed to read a street sign. it wasn;t as bad as i expected, but there was no way i was driving back to brooklyn without em, so i bought a new pair the next day. good thing lassiter didnt charge me to get in, i needed every dime i could find!

like i said, totally worth it though. the best part was the bad vibes bass player (?) exiting the stage and the club and playing half of a song from the sidewalk as dozens of well-dressed socialites scampered from bar to bar.

BDx13 - 11-21-2005 at 04:06 AM

all i know is that there's video footage of both sets. what i don't know is who to talk to to get a dvd copy!

MBV - i'm fairly certain that my photos came out like crap, but i think there was someone else there shooting. if you get any decent photos, send 'em over, and i'll get 'em up on the site. we could put a video clip up as well if we could get it. lemme know.

JawnDiablo - 11-21-2005 at 08:32 AM

twas nice to meet you dudes
i dunno why philly would make you mental
maybe its cause im mental anyway and its really all ive ever known
i think baltimore is weird myself
doyles onstage antics are cool
thanx again Geoff for the goods
the khyber's one of the better places still left in philly
when did the shitty parking complex on 2nd street start to only accept credit cards...sheesh!

KyleOz - 11-21-2005 at 09:27 AM

Yeah Geoff thanks for the merch, that was super generous of you. I hope you enjoy those records.

moron - 11-21-2005 at 12:46 PM

I had a good time as well. I wish we could have stayed longer, but as it was we just made the last bus back to NYC that night. I definitely have to thank you, Geoff, for the free shit. I really didnt expect that, and I'll get you back somehow.

JawnDiablo - 11-21-2005 at 01:10 PM

the bad vibes need to play there once a month so i have something cool to do once in awhile with this boring life i lead....

gavin - 11-21-2005 at 06:15 PM

thanks to everyone who came out
it was a cool night for sure
nice to meet everyone too