Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

The ADL site

BDx13 - 12-1-2005 at 10:27 AM

i thought this was interesting:

XnMeX - 12-1-2005 at 10:40 AM

This one reminds me of the old Tony Hawk skate decks. hehe

XnMeX - 12-1-2005 at 10:47 AM

This is why you RESEARCH tat's before getting them done....

XHonusWagnerX - 12-1-2005 at 11:11 AM

Awesome website.

tireironsaint - 12-1-2005 at 07:45 PM

Originally posted by XnMeX
This is why you RESEARCH tat's before getting them done....
Spider web tattoos also have a long history in traditional old school American tattooing that has nothing to do with (and pre-dates) how they've been co-opted by nazis in prison.

tireironsaint - 12-1-2005 at 07:53 PM

This same page lists the old Agnostic Front boots logo as a nazi symbol. The ADL are notorious for jumping the gun on shit they think might have some link to nazis. If you look under "Skinhead Symbols" they also have the boot from The Oppressed and some random crappy drawing of a Chelsea Girl that's supposed to mean something. I really can't give this site any credit since their fact checking is absolute shit.

Killthehumans - 12-1-2005 at 08:02 PM

Originally posted by tireironsaint
This same page lists the old Agnostic Front boots logo as a nazi symbol. The ADL are notorious for jumping the gun on shit they think might have some link to nazis.

Very true.

defstarsteve - 12-1-2005 at 09:43 PM


311 is a hate term, yeah I hate those fucks
The eleventh letter of the alphabet is the letter "K"; thus 3 times 11 equals "KKK," or Ku Klux Klan. 311 is sometimes used as a greeting to demonstrate membership in the KKK or simply sympathy with the Klan and its ideology. There is also a popular rock band with the name "311" which is not at all hate-oriented.

and they hate on 666

According to certain interpretations of the Christian Bible, this is the mark that Satan gives to his allies so that they can avoid the punishment meted out to Christians who refuse to abandon their faith during the Tribulation. This symbol is also used to symbolize Satan or evil.

wtf does that hae to do with racists, I thought all good klan memebers were christians

fuck everybody

KyleOz - 12-1-2005 at 10:11 PM

Now in the WWII Hitler and Japanese were allies.

Now in modern day nazi organizations do they go by some of the same ideologies or they just made up their own values and hate anyone not white/caucasian etc?

I was always wondered what to make of that.

moforn - 12-1-2005 at 11:30 PM

While I support the stated aims of the adl, in practice it's hard to take them too seriously. The group publicly demonizes Noam Chomsky (who is jewish, by the way- as well as one of the most lucid, articulate and informed critics of US policy in the world right now) and pickets at his public speaking engagements, trying to portray him as an anti-semite- all because he takes a rational approach to to Israeli/Palestinian conflict and acknowledges that third-generation Palestinian refugees who have watched their crops being destroyed by the Israeli army (with U.S. military backing), who have watched settlements reserved for an exclusive ethnic group being erected on their homelands could concievably have some legitimate grievances regarding the situation. In the 80s they also made a point of demonizing all skinheads to instill fear in their support base and turn that fear into fundraising dollars. Fighting anti-semitism is obviously a laudible goal, but the ADL is just another political lobby chasing the dollar.
Interesting site though, I'll have to remember to give shit to my friend with the AF boots tattoo as he's obviously a closetted nazi.

XnMeX - 12-2-2005 at 07:59 AM

This is the text with the AF boot picture....

Until recently, skinheads could be identified by their colored shoelaces and Doc Martens boots, often made with steel tips and used as "weapons" to kick people in fights. Although many skinheads wear other kinds of shoes, this brand of boots, popularized several years ago, is still the most typical and traditional. The term "boot party" was coined to refer to a gathering at which skinheads usually commit acts of violence together.

I think they were just stupid and used the pic to show docs. It points out the boot lace color being the key factor. Isn't it like red laces are nazi skins? some shit like that....

Discipline - 12-2-2005 at 11:02 AM

White =white power

I didn't think anybody still followed that shit. I never bought into it anyways. I used to wear red laces because I thought they looked the best.

BDx13 - 12-2-2005 at 11:08 AM

i remember the lace thing being law in highschool. is it still?

blue=straight edge

newbreedbrian - 12-2-2005 at 12:16 PM

i wore white laces for years, there's very few places where it actually "means" anything anymore. i can remember everyone making a big deal about laces when i was a kid but it always seemed kind of stupid to me.