Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

on the outsde

SAAAAARS - 5-19-2006 at 12:31 AM

they just played their first show of their weekend tour thing. so much fun. i want this band to blow up so bad. i may or may not drive to quebec on saturday.

if you haven't heard them........

kyle is the best dude in the world

BDx13 - 5-19-2006 at 01:30 AM

i never get tour dates from those dudes. please remind them that 2,000 people view our tour dates page specifically every month, and that i'd love to hear from them with updates.

SAAAAARS - 5-19-2006 at 10:03 AM

along with being the best dude in the world, kyle is an idiot. i might see him tomorrow, if i do, i'll harass him for you

BDx13 - 5-19-2006 at 10:13 AM

I'm listening to Tragic Endings now. A damn fine record. I'd love to promote this band on our site more, but they need to let me and thorp know what they're up to.

SAAAAARS - 5-19-2006 at 12:15 PM

his phone is dead, if it wasn't i'd give you the number and have you bug him hahah