Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

pet peeves...

newbreedbrian - 6-20-2006 at 07:48 PM

everyone's got em...what are yours?

sippers - 6-20-2006 at 08:02 PM

going to shows seeing parents,and teenie boppers on their cell phones.
hardcore dancing
houston hardcore
90% of hardcore today
kids that bag on old hardcore
headbangers ball
finding an amazing comic beat to hell..
bebe's kids screaming at the pool outside my apt windowall hours of the day.
the girl across the way from my apt that sits on her patio on the phone and sounds like she swallowed a megaphone constantly talking..
peeps from new orleans a breed of their own..
people that ask me for free cable..

BDx13 - 6-20-2006 at 09:18 PM

actually, the phrase 'pet peeve' is a huge, um... annoyance to me.

DaveMoral - 6-20-2006 at 09:53 PM

Yeah, if I've got peeves(and I do)... I'm not keeping them as pets.

DaveMoral - 6-20-2006 at 09:56 PM

Seriously though... my dash gauges in my van not working. taxes. people walking in the middle of streets and parking lots like cars aren't there and just taking their sweet time while you're driving right on their heels. People smoking within 100 feet of my son. People dropping their trash on my front walk/"yard". People with messiah complexes. Humidity.

barc0debaby - 6-20-2006 at 11:13 PM

People that stop their cars in the crosswalk at a red light
obese people
illegals that can't speak english and just grin and say "que"
denalis, yukons, and escalades
upper middle class suburban nerds
rollercoaster hair
anyone who wants my money
"tough guys"
living in the same town as the ronald reagan presidential library :(

SAAAAARS - 6-20-2006 at 11:25 PM

i hate girls who treat boys like shit
girls who can't make up their minds..............the worst

gavin - 6-21-2006 at 12:45 AM

i have a pet peeve with life

Voodoobillyman - 6-21-2006 at 08:18 AM

people who eat with their mouths open make me want to kill.
know it alls
"hardcore kids"
rap and the culture it breeds
slow shipping on EBAY purchases
the driving in Virginia
Pabst Blue Ribbon...........the trend.

there is so much more, but I want to stop before my brain bursts

RomanticViolence - 6-21-2006 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by BD
actually, the phrase 'pet peeve' is a huge, um... annoyance to me.


XnMeX - 6-21-2006 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by barc0debaby
obese people

I'll counter that with "ignorance". Seriously.

I hate when people run up to cross walk, just to make you stop your car and then they walk slower than a newborn.

upyerbum - 6-21-2006 at 10:52 AM

People who don't use their indicator lights when driving and then act like you should know where they were gonna' go. That's why its called an indicator light fuckwad, to indicate your intent to turn or change lanes. I deliberatly cut off, nose out and generally get in the way off fucking assholes who can't be bothered to move their hand 2 inches and pay me the courtesy of "indicating" the direction they intend to drive in.
Pseudo-intellectual morons (I love that scene in Good Will Hunting where he shuts that asshole down in the bar). People deliberatly trying to talk over your head or someone else's head in an attempt to feel superior. Well the fact that you have to do that in the first place just tells me that you completely lack any sort of intellect other than the ability to read a dictionary.

and finally, I shall end my tirade with a quote from the great Homer Simpson...

"I can't take his money, I can't print my own money, I have to work to get money...Why don't I just lie down and die?"

BDx13 - 6-21-2006 at 03:28 PM

Originally posted by MrBadVibes
"i have a pet peeve with life"
- the new album from The Bad Vibes?

CR83 - 6-21-2006 at 05:47 PM

Open Mouth Eating
Know it alls
Punkass Crackers
People who don't put their shopping carts back in the corrals-makes me want to kill
Fat People Who Blame others while they eat like shit all day everyday
Drug Addicts

DaveMoral - 6-21-2006 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by barc0debabyillegals that can't speak english and just grin and say "que"

What about "legals" that can't speak English and just say "que?" Or for that matter "what" in any other language?

moforn - 6-21-2006 at 07:46 PM

-people who chew with their mouth open, or just loud eaters in general, more than a pet peeve, this makes my skin crawl
-mouth breathers
-people who talk while chewing gum, or just anyone over the age of 14 who chews gum at all (I guess that's not fair, it's just the conspicuous gum chewers that annoy me)
-slow crosswalk walkers (who are usually chewing gum/breathing through their mouth)
-drivers in the passing lane going the exact same speed as traffic in the right lane
-trying to communicate with someone incapable of forming a sentence that doesn't have the word "like" in it at least four times
-commercial radio
-seized bolts
-lite beer
-lite beer drinkers
-people who get uppity around dogs
-trying to buy groceries and being forever stuck behind mouth breathers blocking the aisle completely overwhelmed by having to decide what type of cheez whiz they'd like to buy
-republicans and their supporters, they're obviously a bit thin on the ground up here but just knowing they not only exist but command the world's largest military distresses me to no end
-people in the service industry who act like you're an asshole and an inconvenience for expecting them to do their job (I know, I know it's a lousy industry to work in and the general public can be unbelievable assholes at times, but if i politely ask for a coffee/beer/car part/menu etc. don't roll your eyes and sigh like I've asked for your first born, and if it takes me 20 minutes to get a warm beer or cold hamburger don't expect me to give you 20% extra in cash, tips are for good service not barely managing to stumble through your job)
-people who try to convince me that coldplay's a good band

upyerbum - 6-21-2006 at 07:54 PM

Originally posted by moforn
-people who try to convince me that coldplay's a good band


Discipline - 6-21-2006 at 08:22 PM

Originally posted by MrBadVibes
i have a pet peeve with life

I second that one.

I got too many pet peeves to even begin a list.

Voodoobillyman - 6-21-2006 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by DaveMoral
Originally posted by barc0debabyillegals that can't speak english and just grin and say "que"

What about "legals" that can't speak English and just say "que?" Or for that matter "what" in any other language?

The official langauge of this country is English, always has been and always should be, if you can't bother to learn it.........GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!

Voodoobillyman - 6-21-2006 at 08:57 PM

Now thats a fuckin Pet peeve!

DaveMoral - 6-21-2006 at 09:12 PM

I don't think the "official" part has ever techinically, constitutionally, been "official." English just happens to be the language spoken by the majority of people in the country by way of it having been the language of economy.

That said, I've not once met anyone who literally refuses to learn the language... you get to a certain age and learning another language is quite hard without being completely immersed in the culture. Takes time and people aren't likely to move from a shit-town in Mexico to the US and learn English prior to the move. It just isn't feasible.

This reactionary "speak English or get out" bullshit is just xenophobia and it pisses me off to no end people who are like that. Way to be an ignorant fucktard.

Discipline - 6-21-2006 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by DaveMoral
I don't think the "official" part has ever techinically, constitutionally, been "official." English just happens to be the language spoken by the majority of people in the country by way of it having been the language of economy.

That said, I've not once met anyone who literally refuses to learn the language... you get to a certain age and learning another language is quite hard without being completely immersed in the culture. Takes time and people aren't likely to move from a shit-town in Mexico to the US and learn English prior to the move. It just isn't feasible.

I don't know about the US, but in Canada our Charter specifically states that we have two official languages, english and french.

As to people not learning the language before they move, that's bullshit. If people are coming here, if it means that much to them, they should be willing to take some classes or something before they come here, so they will know the language. Here in Toronto you can't walk 10 feet without seeing signs for ESL classes, often for free. This pisses me off because a good majority of these are government funded classes. Why the fuck should I have to pay, through my tax dollars, for people who aren't even citizens to learn the language. If people want to move here than they should know the language.

newbreedbrian - 6-22-2006 at 12:12 AM

suppose i should add a few of my own:

-people on cell phones/cell phones in general
-goin slow in the passing lane...its called a passing lane for a reason you fucking douche.
-self absorbed people....yea there's no one in the world but you.
-white kids from the suburbs who attempt to act like black kids from the ghetto. you're not fooling anyone "G".
-snotty rich idiots who look down on me like i'm a piece of shit for having tattoos or the way i dress.
-arrogant loud mouth right wing conservatives. foreigners and liberals are not out to get you, get over yourself.
-"pop" music
-things i like being co-opted and watered down for profit
-"new country". fuck off.
-"new hardcore". even worse.
-people who do a terrible job raising their children, then blame everyone else because they turn out to be useless pieces of trash.
-reality tv.
-internet tough guys.
-people that think questioning anything makes you "unpatriotic" or whatever other terms they come up. blindly accepting everything doesn't make you patriotic, it makes you a fucking idiot.
-spoiled rich kids who play "socialist" for a few years till daddy gets them a real job. tell me some more about the plight of the working class, you're a real fucking expert.

all for now.

godabandonedme - 6-22-2006 at 12:44 AM

With all the shit I see everyday, I could put this site down with all that shit. I'm gona have to say people in general. People and stupid people. And god are there so many of them. Also for some reason today before seeing this how much I hate music elitist dickwads on message boards. Crew nerds at shows. People at shows. Having to shoot someone. People asking me why they are being locked up when they damn well know why. People being afraid of the truth or afraid of speaking the truth is the worst though. Those fucks who will say one thing when there with you about someone but when "they" show up it's all smiles and agreeing with them. Fuck why did I have to read this thread.

beaner - 6-22-2006 at 06:32 AM

Fuckin' dance music.(house)............what a load of shite.

moron - 6-22-2006 at 09:01 AM

I hate when people drive with one bright headlight and one regular light. It's so fucking annoying when they drive behind me.

Voodoobillyman - 6-22-2006 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by DaveMoral
I don't think the "official" part has ever techinically, constitutionally, been "official." English just happens to be the language spoken by the majority of people in the country by way of it having been the language of economy.

That said, I've not once met anyone who literally refuses to learn the language... you get to a certain age and learning another language is quite hard without being completely immersed in the culture. Takes time and people aren't likely to move from a shit-town in Mexico to the US and learn English prior to the move. It just isn't feasible.

This reactionary "speak English or get out" bullshit is just xenophobia and it pisses me off to no end people who are like that. Way to be an ignorant fucktard.

I would not expect to be accepted and given benefits in a foreign country that speaks a language I have no knowledge of. I believe it is wrong to accept and give these people anything if they cant even be bothered to learn the lingo. To call someone an ignorant fucktard because you disagree with them is ignorant. I firmly stand by what I said about learning the English language in this country if you wish to engage in some form of employment or business venture. hell, even if your one of the many who come to exploit our outdated and refrom needing welfare system. The least you can do is learn to beg properly. It's not a fear or dislike of foreign persons for me by any means, I serve in the military and have much respect for people like my friend Piabalo Padaro. let me tell you about Piabalo, he's from Nigeria. He came to the US by enlisting in the Navy. he learned the english language because he knew it was a necessary step in gaining his citizenship and allowed him to communicate in everyday transactions of all kinds. Piabalo is 35, so the age thing is no excuse. If you want it bad enough you can learn a foreign language to get it. Piabalo left poverty and despair and 5 years later is an E-5 with his surface warfare designation in the US Navy, oh yeah, he's a US citizen too. He earned it. More than I can say for the immigrants being crusaded by bleeding hearts lately. I stand by every word of what I just wrote, "fucktard" or not.

godabandonedme - 6-22-2006 at 11:26 AM

Maybe I missed it but I'm surprised no one's posted about the thing in philly lately. Joe Vento, the owner of Geno's Steaks (if you don't know it's a 24 hour cheesesteak place, real yuppy type popular) put a sticker up saying "when ordering speak english" that's caused a big brewhaha (?) here. He says his parents came here from Italy and learned to speak so everyone else should. I agree with that. But what about tourist an shit just wanting to try a cheesesteak. Oh well.

upyerbum - 6-22-2006 at 11:34 AM

I served (Canada) with a fella from Hong Kong named Sunsi Mai. He came to Canada and joined the military. He was the worst soldier I ever served with, but not for a lack of trying, (he was a good guy and friend of mine) and hated the military. One day I asked him why the hell he ever joined the military. He told me Canada was his adopted country and he felt he should contribute in some way. Mai was 37. That really humbled me.

godabandonedme - 6-22-2006 at 12:05 PM

Canada is a real country?
I mean I know we have a border and I've been to

sinister - 6-22-2006 at 12:43 PM

- selfishness (that covers everything from bad drivers to bad parents and everything in between)
- group mentality
- fake people
- kids who question everything except themselves

Could add another page but that'll do for now.

upyerbum - 6-22-2006 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by godabandonedme
Canada is a real country?
I mean I know we have a border and I've been to

More real than some........

crazyfists28 - 6-22-2006 at 04:12 PM

not sure if its been said but being that im in grocery stores and stuff like that alot, i hate seeing people on their cell phones while they shop. some are actually talking about what they're buying with someone. i understand calling to ask what kind of salad dressing you want but these people are on for almost the entire time they're in the store. if thats the case, just go shopping with the person then!

DaveMoral - 6-22-2006 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by godabandonedme
Maybe I missed it but I'm surprised no one's posted about the thing in philly lately. Joe Vento, the owner of Geno's Steaks (if you don't know it's a 24 hour cheesesteak place, real yuppy type popular) put a sticker up saying "when ordering speak english" that's caused a big brewhaha (?) here. He says his parents came here from Italy and learned to speak so everyone else should. I agree with that. But what about tourist an shit just wanting to try a cheesesteak. Oh well.

Joey Vento's a moron who can barely speak the English language himself. His grandparents were immigrants and to this day can barely speak English even by South Philly standards, by his own admission. He claims that just because there weren't any bilingual signs and shit for his family 70 years ago there shouldn't be for people now. The dumb shit's not calling for progress, he wants our fucked up country to stay in the shitter and working class people to continue to be marginalized in insular ghettos of their own type.

This bullshit adversarial mentality towards people who can't speak, or have a hardtime speaking, the English language is one of the many ways that the working class is allowing itself to be compartmentalized by the powers that be.

And some of you motherfuckers wonder why Americans are considered arrogant assholes in the world, and why we are the focus of some much rage and hatred...

upyerbum - 6-22-2006 at 08:41 PM

I hate little suburban thug wannabe bass thumpin in their Honda Civic givin me hard looks as they speed off when I come out my front door cuz my daughter is trying to sleep pricks. And if I beat their ass they'd send ME to jail.

barc0debaby - 6-22-2006 at 10:33 PM

Misuse of the word ignorance is definetly a big pet peeve.

ig?no?rance noun
The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.

tireironsaint - 6-23-2006 at 02:02 AM

Originally posted by DaveMoral

This bullshit adversarial mentality towards people who can't speak, or have a hardtime speaking, the English language is one of the many ways that the working class is allowing itself to be compartmentalized by the powers that be.

And some of you motherfuckers wonder why Americans are considered arrogant assholes in the world, and why we are the focus of some much rage and hatred...
Actually, one of the reasons often listed by people in other countries for their dislike of Americans is the common refusal to attempt to learn the language of the countries that those Americans are visiting. That's right, VISITING, not necessarily moving to, not illegally immigrating to, just visiting. So how is it horrible that we expect people who ARE moving here, often illegally, to learn the language? Nobody is saying English is the supreme language in the world and that anybody who doesn't speak it is subhuman, just that if you want to be a citizen of a country, you should learn it's language. Nobody is telling these people not to speak their own languages, just asking them to make an effort to become a part of their adopted land. In most cities there are programs set up to teach English at low to no cost, how fucked up is it that there are people coming here to take advantage of welfare, schools, and the like who refuse to take a FREE class to learn the language of the land they are benefitting from? Because these people actually refuse to make that attempt, the state then takes MORE of our tax money to teach their employees other languages or to shop out jobs to people who can speak other languages.

I'm sorry Dave, but this is NOT a knee-jerk "love it or leave it" sentiment. It really pisses me off that there are people from this country who are unable to get the help they need when they fall on hard times, but somehow there are people who have never contributed in any way to our society who are living for free off of it and they still refuse to even learn a language that would actually make it easier for them to get jobs, become part of the general society and get off welfare. Obviously this is not something that applies to 100% of immigrants to this country, but everywhere I've lived so far, I've seen this as a common issue. Maybe your experience has been completely different, but I find it hard to believe that you've never encountered this.

DaveMoral - 6-23-2006 at 09:38 PM

I've never encountered people who literally refuse to learn the language. Never.

In my experience when the notion of "refusal" is resorted to it's often inaccurate.

JawnDiablo - 6-24-2006 at 12:13 AM

genos steaks is a tourist trap at best
i wont eat their crap
besides the micks in this offshoot of philly make a damdbetter sammich
fuck that whole square block

godabandonedme - 6-24-2006 at 02:10 AM

Dave, you've obviously never been to north philly. I work in certain areas where thre are literally NO PERSONS that speak english. They don't need to. Anything they need is within a few blocks. Small grocery stores, mechanics, doctors, lawyers (they need them alot :o ) (JOKE chill!) etc. Now I do agree with national pride etc. however, I believe if you life in America you should speak AMERICAN. (the reason american is is caps is because here we do not speak correct "english" as you can see by our pronunciation/spelling) I personally think it's a joke that public schools offer second launguages when more then a half (yes half) of public school students can't speak correct (american) english. Again, Joe Vento has not turned ONE PERSON away from his place for speaking a different launguage. Now, for everyone from philly thats all in an uproar about this, why wasn't it ever a big deal that there was ONLY 2 ways to order a steak from Geno's? It was ALWAYS wiz wit, or wiz witout, or seriously you would be told to get to the back of the line(yes this is true I've seen it, Joe Vento is a weird guy). Are non-English speaking people all of the sudden better then the local population? This is all a media biased bullshit story. If there is ANYTHING I have learned from being a cop for the last 4 years it's that the news is bullshit. Don't trust ANYTHING you see/hear from them.

sippers - 6-24-2006 at 04:21 PM

go to the covienience store for a dew pull out your ck card,and the teller says $5 minimum purchase..makes my blood boil ...

Kid Ugly - 6-24-2006 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by sippers
go to the covienience store for a dew pull out your ck card,and the teller says $5 minimum purchase..makes my blood boil ...

I can understand the frustration, but to play devil's advocate on this one, everytime you use plastic to pay, the store has to pay the card company (Visa, MasterCard, etc...) certain percentages, so sometimes it's not worth it for a small business. This is gonna benefit you in the end because unless you use AMEX, if you ever have a credit dispute with the company, the credit card company will back you up.

tireironsaint - 6-24-2006 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by DaveMoral
I've never encountered people who literally refuse to learn the language. Never.

In my experience when the notion of "refusal" is resorted to it's often inaccurate.
Never? Really? I find that incredibly hard to believe based on the amount of times I've encountered it.

As far as refusal being inaccurate, maybe it should be expanded to include those people who are completely uninterested in doing anything that would promote them beyond the welfare lifestyle, people who are too lazy to do anything that they see as being for the benefit of others, and people who who think that they are somehow keeping their culture intact while living like parasites off another culture.

tireironsaint - 6-24-2006 at 06:03 PM

As for my own personal irritants, I would have to rank the stupidity of the average person pretty high on the list. Also people too self absorbed to realize or care that their actions affect others. Popular music, Deadheads, the overwhelming majority of modern "hard core", and quite a few other things relating to music.

Voodoobillyman - 6-24-2006 at 07:17 PM

Fuckin DEADHEADS!!!!!!!!! wish I had said that one, man.........couldnt agree more. They smell.......wierd

Discipline - 6-24-2006 at 09:37 PM

Deadheads need to get over the fact that Jerry is dead, and get on with their pathetic lives. The Dead sucked, always did. The fact that idiots made it a lifestyle just goes to show how truly stupid they really are.

tireironsaint - 6-24-2006 at 10:26 PM

The worst thing about most of the Deadheads I've dealt with is that even though they claim to be all laid back and easy going they are incredibly uptight and defensive. My experience with making fun of them on the air really proved that to me. Stupid fuckin' hippies.