Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

To those with kids

beaner - 6-22-2006 at 03:59 AM

I just wanna know what you guy's think is the best way of discipline for your children when they misbehave?

I have 5 boys aged between 1 and 8.

clevohardcore - 6-22-2006 at 04:11 AM

Shit dude. You tell me. I only have 1 boy and he's only 9 months old.

No hitting. Jsut some stern yelling is all I am planning on. Let then no your dad but don't ever beat a child.

gavin - 6-22-2006 at 04:11 AM

5 boys?!?!
i have 3 kids
one girl who is 8 months
and 2 boys
one is 6 and one will be 3 in sept.

the boys can be really wild and once a day or so they get into it with each other

im big on time outs and taking things from them when they hit each other
that seems to straighten them out and cool them out from fighting with each other

i try not to make a huge deal about little things that dont mean all that much in the long run and worry more about the big things so they know that when i get angry about something they are doing, its something important and not something that really dosent matter

i dont believe in hitting kids and there is not a thing in the world that would make me even consider putting my hands on my kids in that way
to me, that shit is lazy parenting and not taking the proper time to deal with the issue and insted dealing with it through fear and intimidation which i think is fucked when dealing with kids

my kids are everything to me and are honestly probably the only reason im still here
the last thing i would ever do is put a hand on them in any other way them to hug them all day

beaner - 6-22-2006 at 06:21 AM

i hear ya guy's, hitting/ smacking your own children is actually gonna be made a criminal offence soon here in the uk. i'd never bring myself to do that shit. it was just an idea i had to ask what you guy's did when my two oldest was fighting before they went to school so i just thought id post it, you know. i was brought up by being smacked off my parents and it never did me any good. it was funny when i got to the age of like 13 or 14, i was bigger than my dad so he couldnt do shit to control me when i was a mouthy little prick, lol!

upyerbum - 6-22-2006 at 07:47 AM

I don't think there's anything wrong with a little smack on the ass when your kid is trippin'. But I agree with BadVibes, hit the high points, kids are smart.

Voodoobillyman - 6-22-2006 at 09:27 AM

My little girl is coming up on her first year. As far as discipline, I hope I can reason with her. But the taking away of things is the method my wife and I have decided on. We watch a shit ton of Dr Phil and that seems to be the most effective method.

BDx13 - 6-22-2006 at 10:32 AM

my girl is two, and surprisingly well behaved. she'll test the waters once or twice with something she thinks might be wrong, but we tell her "no" in a stern voice and explain why ("it's dangerous", "ouch!", "hot!", not for babies", whatever), and she gets it pretty much straight away.

then once she does get it, it's kinda funny cause she'll police herself. like, she's not supposed to play with crayons, pens or markers except at this little table in her room. so if we leave a pen out somewhere around the house (from doing a crossword or some shit), and she finds it, she'll bring it to us and say "uh-oh. uh-oh."

even when she's deliberately disobedient, a raised voice does the trick 99% of the time. she's gotten a little smack on the hand two, maybe three times. also, i've had be more mindful of when i raise my voice. i mean, cursing in front of her is already out, but if i start yelling at a neighbor or someone on the phone out of anger, she'll start crying cause she's scared.

i suppose having more than one kid makes a huge difference though, cause they can play off of one another, and the younger ones learn what they can and can't get away with from the older ones. anyway, i can't even imagine to five boys. more power to ya, beaner!

upyerbum - 6-22-2006 at 11:28 AM

Oh yeah, Beaner, CUT THAT FUCKIN' THING OFF!;)

beaner - 6-22-2006 at 12:45 PM

I have to mention that my two oldest are actually from my wifes previous relationship so im not the dad to all five but i do the dad thing for all of them. But it does get wierd trying to be the authority figure to the oldest two.

MyOwnWay - 6-22-2006 at 01:48 PM

Myself, three kids. Two twelve year olds (yes twins) and my youngest is 10.

Taking things away I've found out doesnt help as much as I once thought. I've found standing them in the corner has worked. Talking out the situation, and why it is "bad" works wonders. A child may not get why its wrong and why its being punished. But talk to the child and explain takes time, but I've found it to be good, effective parenting.

...If none of that works. Let them know you are very angry. Get that look on your face. You are Dad and huge in their eyes. Use it to your advantage. No child wants to make dad angry, thats like the end of the world. My kids are older now but they still have that thing when they know they've screwed up and straighten out real quick when I get THAT look on my face.

Hope that helps fellas.

JawnDiablo - 6-22-2006 at 03:28 PM

my son is 9 and I hardly have to discipline him. amazingly well behaved kid. considering everything hes been around his whole life. im lucky.

GOLD GRILL - 6-25-2006 at 01:13 AM

hitting and beating is fucking stupid; but for a big nono I think a spankin on the butt is ok. My daughter is only 19 months now, so hopefully I won't have to worry about that for a while. One morning she was eating cherrios, well, actually she had stopped eating and was throwing them everywhere. I said NO in a loud voice. It scarred her and she started crying and I thought that my wife was going to kill me. I felt like shit, but she doesn't throw food much anymore.

tireironsaint - 6-25-2006 at 01:35 AM

I don't get to spend too much time with my daughter, but I did just get back from a visit with her and did have to give a little discipline while I was out there. I find that just telling her that what she's doing is unacceptable works very well. I would never hit my child, but I think the threat of a swat on the butt is something necessary in the arsenal for those extreme times and is completely different than hitting a child. To me a "swat on the butt" is all about making a big deal out of what really amounts to nothing. After exhausting all the other normal disciplinary avenues, I would tell my daughter that I was going to have to take her into another room and smack her butt, if that didn't do the trick, I'd pick her up and walk into another room, if she hadn't changed her attitude by then, that's when she actually gets the swat, but really it's just enough to make a noise that scares her into realizing she's in big trouble. Again, I didn't have to do any of that on this visit, she had a couple whiny times and I told her that I wasn't going to listen to whining and she stopped. Aside from her getting mad at me for leaving, that was the only trouble I had from her and I can't really blame her for not wanting me to leave, can I?