Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

How much salary is enough

CR83 - 9-21-2006 at 03:52 PM

I work for a staffing company and talk to people all day long about salary.

I know we all want unlimited funds where we can do whatever we want.

My question is, how much annual salary is enough for you or enough for your household? What number would you want to be at the rest of your life and feel OK about it?

I'm thinking $150,000 for the Reed83's. Man, we'd be set then I think.

Unbound - 9-21-2006 at 03:53 PM

Considering I make about $18 grand a year right now. I would take $50 and be very happy. Man I hate working a shitty job for peanuts.

BDx13 - 9-21-2006 at 04:05 PM

expenses are going to cause huge variations in the response for "today" numbers. people that live in SF or NYC need a hell of a lot more than people in Kansas to cover the basics.

also, inflation is gonna beat your $150 into the ground over time. assuming inflation remains consistent, to make the equilivent of today's $150,000 twent years from now, you'll need to bringing in over $250,000 in 2026.

that said, a buck fifty would would yield some luxurious living given my current setup. i'm a saver, and i don't like debt. i'd double my mortgage and car payments, and my coffers would be stuffed quick.

clevohardcore - 9-21-2006 at 06:11 PM

I would be very happy making $250,000. I will allow for inflation like BD mentions. So by 2026 I would bank over 350,000. That would afford a very nice boat, home, vacation cottage, and some sweet rides. Not to mention a very nice tv.

defstarsteve - 9-21-2006 at 10:36 PM

man I am just happy when there is a new order in the inbox...
as long as I can keep that happening I'm happy

but given our current growth and growth potential hell I am happy where I am at
any extra money we get we reinvest, and buy more equipment to offer more services
we should be offering 8 colors per location in a month and we just rented a 3000 sq ft warehouse...

within 6 months we should be fully auto and be able to do 5 time our current production on 1 machine, from there.... who knows

to me it's not about being rich or better then anyone else
it's about leaving something for my kids, unlike what my parents did for me...
and having fun along the way

BDx13 - 9-21-2006 at 11:08 PM

steve, did you move?

defstarsteve - 9-21-2006 at 11:56 PM

nope same house
but we have outgrown the garage and basement
we'll be making a major move in the next 2 years

CR83 - 9-22-2006 at 02:43 AM

Thankfully Mrs. Reed83 is a huge saver. Currently the 150k is over what is brought in. But I know this board doesn't really give two fucks about my expenses.

The real effort in this thread was to see how people view salary I guess. I'm not rich and I really don't plan on being rich. I want to provide the best, much like everyone. There are several versions of "rich" I know. I just wasn't sure how to really ask the question I guess.

As a part of any interview with a candidate I have to ask what they make and what they want to make. Most answers are terrible. A guy today I spoke with who lives in Westchester County, NY. Very expensive area. He is making $65,000 with maybe $15,000 in commission and that isn't cutting the mustard. He's looking for a new job that will get him $150,000. The job I'm trying to land him will get him $180,000. That is crazy money to me.

I live in Missouri. Cost of living is nothing compared to Westerchester County. I'm just curious about people's views on salary. We as "Hardcore" people, I would assume that money is nice to have but secondary.


godabandonedme - 9-22-2006 at 02:53 AM

Well even as "Hardcore" people, we are not 16 anymore and bills need to be paid. I can say that we make the bills in my home, (myself and my girlfriend) but no I am not happy with it. If it comes down to a nice dinner on a Friday night or putting it towards bills, well the man wins. Everything is relative like alot of people mention though, so alot of people hearing that I make like 50 something a year would go nuts with that, but again, all things being equal my personal expenses are crazy just considering my bad habbits. I think a better question and a little more specified would be how much do you think you should be making for the job your doing......

JawnDiablo - 9-22-2006 at 05:32 AM

as with booze, too much is never enough
im anxiously awainting my shitty corporate across the board 3% (if that) raise next month

XHonusWagnerX - 9-22-2006 at 08:26 AM

I think if a family can pull in $100,000 + and live in a reasonable priced area. Like NOT NYC or BOSTON.... but a suburban area or something. It can be enough.

I make a little under $50,000 now but I only support myself. I save as much money as I can each year and I buy stuff when I want it. I also have a $325 a month car payment.

I wish I made more... I think that I could live REALLY HAPPILY by myself on $100,000. If I had a wife and one kid I think a combined income of $150,000 would be good, but thats NOT taking inflation into account.

Voodoobillyman - 9-22-2006 at 08:36 AM

The military is slowly closing the salary gap that existed during the Clintonian years when you heard stories about military families having to go on welfare because the paycheck to defend the nation was not enough. One good thing about Bush is, he is at least trying to compensate the sacrifices made by armed servicemen and women, it's still not enough in my opinion. I figure with my background, skills, certifications and secret clearance I would be able to pull about 70 to 80 a year, and that is just about double what I make now, so that would be more than enough for me. This does not account for Big D's point of inflation of course.

CR83 - 9-22-2006 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Voodoobillyman
The military is slowly closing the salary gap that existed during the Clintonian years when you heard stories about military families having to go on welfare because the paycheck to defend the nation was not enough. One good thing about Bush is, he is at least trying to compensate the sacrifices made by armed servicemen and women, it's still not enough in my opinion. I figure with my background, skills, certifications and secret clearance I would be able to pull about 70 to 80 a year, and that is just about double what I make now, so that would be more than enough for me. This does not account for Big D's point of inflation of course.

Someone posed the question to me the other night about Military Persons paying taxes. I'm ok with people in the military not paying income taxes. They should have so many advanatge because of their sacrifice.

upyerbum - 9-22-2006 at 03:13 PM

They just brought up our Military's salaries in the past few years as well, but it took some very shameful stories of families having to go to food banks and such to provoke it. Sad really when you think of the money some of those stain-on-society "entertainers" make. We have seriously misplaced priorities.

Voodoobillyman - 9-22-2006 at 03:17 PM

Originally posted by upyerbum
They just brought up our Military's salaries in the past few years as well, but it took some very shameful stories of families having to go to food banks and such to provoke it. Sad really when you think of the money some of those stain-on-society "entertainers" make. We have seriously misplaced priorities.

couldn't agree more with that end sentence.