Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

ichi the killer

JawnDiablo - 10-3-2006 at 06:04 AM

anyone else see this flick?
watched it the other night

Voodoobillyman - 10-3-2006 at 09:18 AM

The Japanese horror movement is very original in it's approach and this film is no exception. Very good.

BKT - 10-3-2006 at 11:10 AM

i saw that movie the other night. It is fucked up. Not really into it.


newbreedbrian - 10-3-2006 at 12:05 PM

good stuff

sinister - 10-3-2006 at 12:12 PM

Nope it didn't do anything at all for me, never liked that kinda comedy/fantasy approach to horror flicks. I like 'em straight up and realistic otherwise I can't identify with it at all... nearly all the Jap/Far east type horror movies I've seen have left me cold, none seem to have the atmosphere of the best US or euro movies. Hell I even thought the US remake of the Ring was way better than the original, even if it did have a crappy ending.

morgan - 10-3-2006 at 07:03 PM

Definetly some crazy shit. The guy taking a phone call after cutting his own tongue off made me laugh for some sick reason.

DaveMoral - 10-3-2006 at 10:37 PM

Isn't this flick based on a Japanese comic book or anime or something?

morgan - 10-3-2006 at 10:55 PM

Originally posted by DaveMoral
Isn't this flick based on a Japanese comic book or anime or something?

Yeah it is. The comic is even more fucked up.

Six66Mike - 10-4-2006 at 01:42 AM

I tried to find it at stores for years in Ontario & here in Adelaide but nobody ever had it to rent. Finally remembered to try downloading it over the weekend, now I got it but haven't watched yet.

Since I've been waiting so long to see it I've probably over hyped & it will let me down. Will let ya know when I finally watch it.