Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

What are your "words to live by" quote?

clevohardcore - 12-17-2006 at 08:03 PM

I will have to go with Jebediha Springfield

""A noble spirit, embiggens the smallest man""

upyerbum - 12-17-2006 at 10:09 PM

Addams Family:

"We gladly feast on those who would subdue us."

JoeBenzon - 12-18-2006 at 05:27 AM

Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'

From The Shawshank Redemption, one of my favorite movies

Discipline - 12-18-2006 at 07:57 AM

"Fuck world if it can't take a joke."

-From the Dayglo Abortions

JUICE MAYNE MSHC - 12-18-2006 at 11:02 AM

"Stand on top of the world with a gun in your hand, take control of woman and fear no man"

8Ball & MJG

only figuratively speaking of course

RomanticViolence - 12-18-2006 at 11:11 AM

I don't live be this one but i heard someone say it the other day and i thought it was funny.

"Spraying febreze on shit won't turn it into flowers"
-Some random redneck

BKT - 12-18-2006 at 12:06 PM

"The better part of ones life often consists of their friendships."

I am not 100% sure who this was, but I think it was Lincoln.

"The form you take in a storm is what makes you strong, anybody can preform like a charm when the waters calm." (E-Town Concrete)

"Hope is curency for those that know they are losing" (16 years of alcohol) Great movie.

Those are a few that come to mind right now, I am sure there are many others out there that I can't remember.

joemaconmovies - 12-18-2006 at 01:06 PM

i'm drawing a blank. i guess i don't have any "words to live by"

clevohardcore - 12-18-2006 at 01:23 PM

Of course mine was a joke but I will try and pull one out my ass. Give me a bit.

I don't think the word embiggens is even a real word. Jeb Springfield was the founder of SPRINGFIELD the town of the SIMPSONS

Voodoobillyman - 12-18-2006 at 01:36 PM

"Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell!" Pinhead

This will be words to live by for any boy who wants to date my daughter in the future.

joemaconmovies - 12-18-2006 at 03:03 PM

Originally posted by clevohardcore
Of course mine was a joke but I will try and pull one out my ass. Give me a bit.

I don't think the word embiggens is even a real word. Jeb Springfield was the founder of SPRINGFIELD the town of the SIMPSONS

I think (hope) most of us knew that. I did.

upyerbum - 12-18-2006 at 09:29 PM

Embiggens is a perfectly cromulant word.

SHAKO KEN - 12-19-2006 at 11:00 AM

"you're unique, just like everyone else"

whoever first said that