Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Some amusment first thing in the morning.

MyOwnWay - 4-19-2007 at 07:53 AM


(By Those Who Know)

-Dont try to be the manager do not get involved with the band business. That is for the Band.

-Dont ask his Band mates for Relationship Advice.

-Do not complain when your (insert Holiday here) date gets cancelled because a show has been scheduled. Holidays are no longer yours. Even VALENTINES DAY!!

*Its Not Mandatory that you are at EVERY Show*

-Do not get Jealous when your boyfriend talks to Groupies. They are the ones buying the CDs and Merch, Not let them have their time. And remember you get to go home with him!

-Babies dont make men quit bands especially if you were a groupie.

-No, the band does not want you to go on tour with them. Like youre going to sleep in the back of a van and eat ramen noodles for 4 months straight!?

-Dont make the following Introduction: Hi! Im___.My boyfriend is in___.

-Dont follow him around at shows like a lost puppy, he is taking care of business find your own crowd.

-Dont go to band practice, and its normal to have practice more than once a week.

-Do not assume that everyone loves your boyfriends band.

-Dont make out with other band members girlfriends at the bar. Save that for the after Party.

-Dont turn yourself into a walking flyer for your boyfriends band. The shirt is fine, but must you break out the hat, the hoodie, AND the stickers on your ASS!!??

-Do not stand in front of your boyfriend while he is onstage and stare at him like he is the greatest singer in the world.

-No rumpshakin dances during the show that is unless your man is in 2 LIVE CREW.

-Do not change your style based on the type of Band you date. Going from preppy to Nu to Hardcore shows you are not your own Individual.

-If he calls while out on the road, dont complain about when he is coming home. Youre lucky he is using the quarter to call you, instead of buying gas or food.

Never say anything negative about your mans band that you cannot say to him. It will only come back to bite you in the ass!

-If youre a stripper, keep work on the pole, not at shows. Not everyone wants to know you shop at FREDRICKS!!

-Never cause a fight right before your man goes on stage. Relationship problems can be dealt with after the show.

-If they have a show out of town, dont drive just so you and your boy can have alone time because you want to TALK.

-Dont buy your man a new Instrument so he and his band mates can match.

-You cannot drink on the bands tab! Buy your own The tour manager works for the band, not the girlfriends. Get your own ASS into catering etc....

-Keep the band separate from your everyday life. Thats your boyfriends passion find your own.

Dave - 4-19-2007 at 08:26 AM


that was awesome!

some of it was soo soo true.........:P

RomanticViolence - 4-19-2007 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Dave

that was awesome!

some of it was soo soo true.........:P


I know a lot of girls who need to read this.

upyerbum - 4-19-2007 at 01:41 PM

I'm actually gonna print this off and hang it in our studio. Wicked.

newbreedbrian - 4-20-2007 at 12:09 AM

well damn. that was some good stuff. i wish so many of them weren't true.

upyerbum - 4-20-2007 at 10:49 AM

-Do not complain when your (insert Holiday here) date gets cancelled because a show has been scheduled. Holidays are no longer yours. Even VALENTINES DAY!!

My last bands first show was on my wedding anniversary. My wife took it well though, it was like number 11 or 12, I only count em' by fives now anyway.

beaner - 4-21-2007 at 07:53 AM

thats so good. very true too

JawnDiablo - 4-21-2007 at 08:03 AM
