Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Yo, Americans...

ENDERA.x - 2-22-2005 at 08:39 PM

is it true that the phone network has a word sensitive system.

like if you say president + assasinate someone 'important' picks up and listens in for minute


GabeTexasGAMC - 2-22-2005 at 11:54 PM

ahahah probably. I hate the government.

newbreedbrian - 2-23-2005 at 12:05 AM

a scary thought, but it wouldnt surprise me if it was in the patriot act somewhere. watched a documentary on that recently called Unconstitutional, fucked up shit

MyOwnWay - 2-23-2005 at 09:52 AM

It is true. The government has words (I used to have the list, I'll have to find it again), that they "look" out for. If you say the word, it automaticaly begins to tape your conversation. It is reviewed and decided if action is necessary. Now since we make millions of phone calls a day they are sorted by importance. What word, how many of "the words" were said thru out the call. The frequency of the caller (not sure how its logged) using the specific words and what the conversation was regarding. But in direct responce to your question, Yes it is true...

moron - 2-23-2005 at 10:10 AM

I remember hearing about this when I was in elementary school. Who knows if it's true. I kind of doubt that it is since the scope of a project like that would be so fucking HUGE that the man power needed would be incredible. And if it was done by computer... imagine the size and power of the computer needed to process that much info at one time. I doubt there was a computer sophisticated enough to do that back in the 80s. And how many languages would the computer have to understand... or a person for that matter.

So, to me... it sounds like one of those urban myths.

vinnie518 - 2-23-2005 at 10:45 AM

Definately an urban myth.

Killthehumans - 2-23-2005 at 10:57 AM

Im not sure if we even have the infrastructure for that...but the sad fact is if we did the goverment would probally implement it:(....constituiton means nothing to people anymore

Killthehumans - 2-23-2005 at 10:57 AM

People in this country are willing to take it in the ass for alittle bit of fake security

clevohardcore - 2-23-2005 at 01:00 PM

Myth. Come on. Think about the lengths they would have to go to just to track some douchebag living in a bassement who is on disability and hates the government. Drinks all day and talks shit to anyone on the phone. Believe me I would not put anything past any government but thats a little to big for any government.

Wait come to think of it. Damn they can do alot of thinks like track vehicles on the road. Look inside houses and countries from satellites on space. Damn. Nevermind. It may be possible. Awww shit!

Big Ugly - 2-23-2005 at 02:11 PM

I think it's a myth. People started talking about it in the 80's but it really picked up steam in the 90's after the movie Seven came out. In the movie they said the FBI tracks certain library books and keeps a record of those who check out questionable material. Same in Conspiracy Theory, where they tracked bookstores as well for people buying certain books. Add the paranoia of the internet, it gets blown up even bigger. But it makes for great fiction. The government doesn't bother denying it for two reasons, because it sounds too unbelievable, and because it keeps certain people afraid.

ENDERA.x - 2-23-2005 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Big Ugly
I think it's a myth. People started talking about it in the 80's but it really picked up steam in the 90's after the movie Seven came out. In the movie they said the FBI tracks certain library books and keeps a record of those who check out questionable material. Same in Conspiracy Theory, where they tracked bookstores as well for people buying certain books. Add the paranoia of the internet, it gets blown up even bigger. But it makes for great fiction. The government doesn't bother denying it for two reasons, because it sounds too unbelievable, and because it keeps certain people afraid.


MyOwnWay - 2-23-2005 at 05:23 PM

Ok fellas, thats an urban myth just like the government had nothing to do with the JFK assisination. You'd be suprised the things we (people in the United $tate$) are passive about in thinking its too big to happen. I agree that the movies dont help the situation much for being dramatic about it.

moron - 2-23-2005 at 05:32 PM

Well, Im gonna test it out tonight. If I dont post anymore you'll know why.

Big Ugly - 2-23-2005 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by MyOwnWay
Ok fellas, thats an urban myth just like the government had nothing to do with the JFK assisination. You'd be suprised the things we (people in the United $tate$) are passive about in thinking its too big to happen. I agree that the movies dont help the situation much for being dramatic about it.

Ok, we all know the government was in on the JFK thing with the mob.

danomat1973 - 2-23-2005 at 09:15 PM

I really don't think the Government has enough time listen to all of us.

LilOz - 2-23-2005 at 09:20 PM

Even if it is true, I am sure we are paying for it!

ENDERA.x - 2-23-2005 at 11:10 PM

Speaking of paying, whats with the prices of EVERYTHING i can think of going up but our income isnt, THIS IS FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!

Killthehumans - 2-24-2005 at 12:47 AM

at least you get to live in the wealth gap is already wicked the words od the street dogs..."how many cars do you need, how many boats,how many houses,how many finance mistresses, how do you look in the mirror? how do you sleep at night?"

newbreedbrian - 2-24-2005 at 10:12 AM

they are looking at what books people are checking out from the library, thats another patriot act one. theres actually been a bit of a revolt from librarians on that one