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Jason the Magnificent
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Holy gif...the Red Viper vs the Mountain...straight shitting myself on geek overload.
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I think April is starting to feel really far away. Can't wait for the season to start.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
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Red Viper has obviously been training at Shaolin Temple.
Jason the Magnificent
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House Martell ain't nuthin ta fuck with.
Jason the Magnificent
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Basically this...
^ woah.
If I fail math, there goes my chance at a good job and a happy life full of hard work.
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I've been going through the first three seasons in anticipation of the new season and it still amazes me to see how much they manage to squeeze into
each one. I'm glad that for once in my life I haven't read the books first so there is no need to draw comparisons between the two mediums. That
being said, it's bloody hard to resist the urge to read them so I can find out what happens.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Jason the Magnificent
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We're still up in the air as book readers too, lol. Just a little further along in our suspension.
You are doing yourself a disservice though not reading the books, at least the ones you've already seen on HBO. As amazing as the show is, the books
are better.
At this point I'm almost positive I'm going to see the end of the story on HBO before I read it on the page. While this season is primarily book 3
sprinkled with book 4 elements, they're already dipping into book 5 storylines for a couple characters like idea what they do with him in
season 5 since he potentially wont have anything written yet.
GRRM needs to hurry the fuck up.
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I read the first two books after watching their respective seasons. I thought they were amazing, and when comparing them to the show I thought HBO
did a damn good job. The books are always better, but at least the show has been a quality representation of the story. I just really want the new
season to start so I can see how the third book finishes up. My question is this, does it seem strange that season four will also take plot points
from books four and five? I'm just wondering if it will mess with the chronology.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Jason the Magnificent
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Yes, it's going to big time. I don't know if it's good or bad in the long run. I'll make this un-spoilery as possible with no actual events or people.
A few characters from book 3 that didn't make it into season 3 will appear in 4.
Several reoccurring characters from season three have exhausted their book 3 material.
Book 4 and book 5 run concurrent with each other but book 4 deals with plots from characters/plot lines A, B & C and Book 5 deals with characters/plot
lines D, E & F. he separated things geographically.
That would be a huge problem for the show since several "main" characters would disappear for a whole "book". So in order to keep them on the show
they're pushing their book 5 DEF stuff forward. And honestly their book 5 stuff is going to be hard to stretch without adding in some of the bit parts
and side characters.
Theres way more than enough story lines going on to keep the ABC people busy for 3 seasons while we wait for GRRM, but by next season a couple DEF
characters are all going to be out of pages. And I dont believe people have the attention span to stretch out the ABC stuff as far as the'd
be 12 seasons.
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That sounds problematic. Hopefully they spent some quality time plotting it all out. I just hope Tyrion, Dany and Arya don't disappear too much.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Jason the Magnificent
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Producers saying 7 seasons now to EW. A lot of stuff is going to be cut and definitely done before the books. Sucks.
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As long as I get to stare at this gorgeous creature, there will always be hope that they don't completely fuck up the story-lines. Looks great on the
show as a blond, but is a perfect 10 as a brunette.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Jason the Magnificent
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The only real crime is that they've PG'd up her Essos clothing, like her dresses (I think in Qarth...but here storyline is kind of a blur) where it
only covers one breast.
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From what I understand, the actress put her foot down and so "no more nude scenes."
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‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
This is SO awesomely nerdy:
‘Game of Thrones’ meets Google in interactive map of Westeros
Don’t know your Westeros from your elbow? A “Game of Thrones” map, built by a fan using Google Maps technology, aims to change that by letting people
roam around the land from the hit TV series.
It’s an interactive map, so you can zoom in and out for a closer look at Winterfell, King’s Landing and the like. The whole of the Westeros continent
and surroundings are shown, from The Land of Always Winter in the north, to the Red Waste in the east.
But there’s more to it than that. A slider lets you set the map for a specific program episode or — for the more literary — a chapter from the “A Song
of Ice and Fire” novels the show is based on. Now select Joffrey Baratheon, Jaime Lannister or any other character, to show exactly where they were at
that point – or click through the episodes to track their journey. There’s a host of other features — towns, domains, death sites — to explore, too.
It’s a labor of love by member Carpediem, who started building it in 2012, basing it on earlier maps by fellow fans serMountainGoat and
“All together, this adds up to quite a lot of information on one map. That’s where you all come in. I haven’t even finished reading the books once
through, so I’m sure I made a few mistakes,” Carpediem said in an online post, asking for corrections and suggestions.
Of course, Time Warner’s TWX -0.17% HBO show isn’t anywhere near the end of its tale of medieval-style death and dominion yet, so the map is
naturally not complete. Plus, the books are a bit sketchy on some geographic details, and the TV show differs significantly from its source novels
sometimes. And for copyright reasons, its maker steered clear of the official George R. R. Martin map book.
But even so, a bit of Google-style knight errantry is a lot of fun, even for those who don’t dream of Daenerys and dragons. Here’s the link to the map: Dive in.
If I fail math, there goes my chance at a good job and a happy life full of hard work.
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That's cool as hell. Also, the new season is kicking some ass.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Jason the Magnificent
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It's been great. My only real complaints are they're totally butchering Stannis' character and Littlefingers voice changes keep getting weirder and
weirder. It's like he's possessed by Christian Bales Batman.
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Even having not read the books, I think it's obvious that there was likely more going on with Stannis than we're seeing on the show. It's a shame
because I really like his character.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Jason the Magnificent
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Actually at this point there's less. They're inventing a bunch of shit to try and keep him in the show and fresh in peoples minds for later events.
The problem is he would have never burned people for being "infidels". He burned his brother in law because he was a traitor and tried brokering a
deal with Tywin for peace marrying Stannis' daughter to Tommen Baratheon. He wouldn't be chasing Mel around for tail either, shes a tool for him...but
he's not some religious zealot, shes a means to his end. Theres a very clear divide between "Kings men" (Stannis followers) and "Queens men"
(followers of his wife and her religion). Plus this new storyline where Davos is writing the Iron Bank...we'll see where that goes, but Stannis would
never beg for aid.
Just a lot of little nit-picky things besides that. Dude is cold as ice and they're kind of turning him into tool. Dude has Stannis' demeanor down
cold though, I love the actor.
When I read Lord of the Rings (even as a kid), I thought the books gave a good sense of the scale of Middle Earth. The descriptions of the lands and
different people/species they'd encounter, the amount of time spent traveling, etc, all gave a the reader the sense that this journey was a massive
I've not read GOT, so I have no idea if that sense of scale is evident in the books.
But based on the show, I have no idea where people are from, where they're going or how they're getting there. All I know is that the WALL separates
EVERYTHING from WINTER. I mean, what desert is Daenerys Targaryen wandering around in with all these slaves and dragons and where is everyone else
while she's doing it??
If I fail math, there goes my chance at a good job and a happy life full of hard work.
Jason the Magnificent
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That's the problem with the show mainly is there's way too much going on in way too many places with way too many people...and you can not condense it
down into a logical story...they're doing a good job. It's just voluminous.
The books are the exact opposite...there's often so much detail that you end up getting lost in them and forget what plot line things may be related
to and have to go back and re-read things. The third book alone which is primarily what the last two seasons come from is 200 pages longer than the
ENTIRE Lord of the Rings trilogy. And that's one book of five. There rest aren't much shorter.
I cant imagine for a non book reader how confusing it has to be, hopefully everyone at least enjoying it for what it is.
And Dany is far east right now @ Mereen, near Slavers Bay
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Basically just follow the map at the beginning of each episode to get a sense of where, if not distance. Dany is across the sea in the city with the
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waiting anxiously for the appearance of the mountain that rides but the scene I want probably will be put at the end of the season (trying not to ruin
it for those that don't know)
Well I've got a feeling I'm gonna get mine in. Retribution let the games begin.
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