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Vanilla Gorilla
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too bad they don't have Strong Belwas in the story, they don't really need him but he is such a good character and would bring some comedic breaks
into the story
Well I've got a feeling I'm gonna get mine in. Retribution let the games begin.
Jason the Magnificent
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Quote: Originally posted by Vanilla Gorilla  | waiting anxiously for the appearance of the mountain that rides but the scene I want probably will be put at the end of the season (trying not to ruin
it for those that don't know) |
He'll be around a little before that to set up his character some. But the scene you're talking about is episode 7.
Jason the Magnificent
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So whats everyone thinking of this season?
This board is deader than a trunk full of hookers in Dirty Work.
i still really enjoy it, but with so many story lines, it seems like very little happens in each episode.
the fight with the mountain and the guy from dorne was pretty hilarious. curious to see if they kill off tyrion - they haven't held back so far.
dragon mom is still wanting around the desert, not doing much.
anxious for shit to get real at the wall.
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great head squishing last night.......
Jason the Magnificent
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Yeah, I heard them say the show was going to get "smaller" after season 3. But they're introducing more Dornish next season (Oberyns brother (who
didnt make it to Kings Landing) and his son who Cersei's daughter was sent to marry and Oberyns bastard daughters are being cast) that's a lot
more story.
HOPING they introduce Theons uncles...we'll see...they might cut that whole storyline.
Get used to Dany...welcome to the book readers agony. Some more interesting stuff happens around her...but she pretty much hangs out a lot not going
There's actually a lot happening...these story arcs are just so broad you dont get pay off until you forget it with Jorahs season 1
spying being an issue at the end of season 4. There's a ton more stuff like that which will eventually bear fruit...but I wont spoil it. There's so
much going on a non book reader almost needs charts and graphs next to them.
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The strange thing for me is that Jorahs pardon shows up now. I remember there being talk of a pardon some ways back, but this just seems odd in terms
of timing. I have a hard time believing they would kill Tyrion, but I said the same thing a out Ned Stark. Either way, I still love the show and I'm
still glad I didn't read ahead.
The board is dead, which really needs to change soon.
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I imagine they will cut out much of Danery's dreadful desert romp. Would make for bad tv and not fit with the pace of the show.
This board is deader then a Northman in King's Landing. (Best I could think of at the moment).
Jason the Magnificent
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Yeah, Jorah needed to break off from Dany for different reasons to come. Barristan is actually the one that busted him out in the books and it
happened before they took Yunkai (the city where she did the crowd surf). So they used the small council meeting to make it finally happen when Tywin
was told she had Barristan and Jorah advising her...he told Mace to get his pen and paper, alluding to writing the letter. It's a weird way for them
to finally make it happen, but I guess they wanted to keep him on screen for a maximum amount of time so when he "disappears" it isn't for that long.
Her desert romp is probably more interesting than all the political Mereen crap we're going to get next season. Show viewers are going to be bored as
shit with her.
Dany, Bran, Boltons & Theon will be in book 5 material next season...and Sansa and Littlefinger for the most part are now past all the books as of
last episode. Season 5 should be interesting.
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Last night's episode was a prime example of why I love medieval stuff. It's always fun watching the storming/defending of a castle. I'm really glad
they gave it the entire episode instead of just a few scenes.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Jason the Magnificent
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The episode in itself was great but I'm not a fan at all of how the battle was handled...there's events coming up next week that I have a feeling are
going to completely overshadow the battles conclusion, which could be/could have been fucking epic.
There are WAY too many plot lines left open to resolve in the next episode even if it IS a 66 minute episode. They should have stretched the battle
over a few episode...they could have still left this entire episode the battle and had the conclusion to finally give an extremely under-written/used
character in the show his time to shine finally.
Hard to go into detail without spoiling the shit out of everything...just seems like the "battle" ended last night.
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I didn't come off that way to me. I don't think the battle is over, the Wildlings simply pulled back to take a breather and regroup to discuss
strategy. Jon Snow said it was far from over before he left to go talk to the Wildlings. To me that means there's still more to come, especially
since the Nights Watch is drastically outnumbered.
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giants on wooly mammoths...what's not to love?
Jason the Magnificent
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I'm fully aware I'm being a book nerd stroke. 
Just worried next week is going to be ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.
watchers on the wall was good, but i'm not sure it needed the full hour. it was no Battle of the Blackwater. but like quinn said...
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Think we'll see Lightbringer?
Jason the Magnificent
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Director Alex Graves earlier this year in an interview with Collider: “There’s a battle in the tenth episode that is so VFX heavy and so complex, even
on a feature level, that won’t be done until June right before it airs.”
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That sounds promising.
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This is going to be a jam packed episode...
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Good episode, I enjoyed the army of darkness scene
Jason the Magnificent
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Yeah that was amusing.
Good episode, I still think Stannis should have been last week. Last week was 48 minutes...the whole Jon/Mance/Stannis scene was like 10
could have ended ep 9 in an amazing epic Stannis his first moment to really shine. Instead they shoehorned it in at the beginning of
an episode that was already bursting at the seams. Making them have to RUSH through the whole Tyrion sequence.
But that's why they're producing TV and I'm not.
The long wait begins. Hopefully next season we get the Ironborn.
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Logistics question. Where did Stannis' army come from? Did they come through one of the unused Nights Watch castles? I was trying to figure out
who the hell that was going to be when they first showed up, and he didn't even cross my mind.
Good episode though. Can't wait for next year.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
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Yeah I have issue with them having a huge army north of the wall, and not showing up the night before to help in the battle...
Jason the Magnificent
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This is the problem with an adaptation where they add things in that are not needed like Tyrion and Jaime talking about beetles and don't take the
time to flesh out stuff that actually is in the books.
In a nutshell the battle had been going on for days...not one night like the show.
Stannis was the only king (or anything else for that matter) that answered the plea that the Watch sent out to every castle in Westeros. He gathered
his host and sailed up about 2/3 of the continent along the land mass' eastern sea from Dragonstone (his castle), to Braavos (where he met with the
bankers...though in the books he didn't stop there) and then further north to Eastwatch which is the easternmost manned Nights Watch Castle on the
Wall where it meets the sea ( There's three castles manned Eastwatch, Castle Black and Shadow Tower going from east to center to far west at the
western sea).
I'm just copying and pasting this next part from the spoilers. It was way more epic..>Stannis' host killed 1000 wildlings...not 18 like the
show made it seem.
"Meanwhile, King Stannis Baratheon sails to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea with a host of over 1,000 mounted soldiers. Accompanied by Cotter Pyke and his
rangers from Eastwatch, they travel along ranger roads beyond the Wall. They take Mance Rayder's host in the flank as it besieges Castle Black.
Mance's scouts warn him of the approaching rangers and as they emerge from the fringes of the wood, his free folk fly to meet them. The rangers are
only scouts, a screen intended to draw in the wildlings, and they scatter back into the trees before Mance's wildlings and Harma Dogshead's raiders
can slaughter them. At this crucial point, Melisandre destroys the eagle that Varamyr Sixskins uses for scouting. The trumpets blow all around and
three columns of heavy horse emerge. One smashes into Harma's raiders, who have no time to regroup and meet them, while the second drives into the
flanks of Tormund Giantsbane's spearmen. The third is shattered by the giants on their mammoths, but the other two are able to close in around them
like pincers. On the eastern edge of the camps, archers loosen fire arrows at the tents and camps of the wildlings.[2]
The wildling host breaks and runs as more men emerge from the trees. In the ensuing battle, Harma Dogshead is slain and the entire wildling force is
either captured or routed with over a thousand wildlings killed. Mance is captured and most of his lieutenants are killed or captured, with the
exception of Tormund Giantsbane and Varamyr Sixskins."
They could have eliminated some of that silly ass Jason and the Argonauts skeleton fight with Bran and the Reeds and used a couple dollars to beef up
the battle since it was mostly overhead anyway...but whatever.
Jason the Magnificent
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That's been a lot of peoples complaints about Stannis is they're writing him to be a total knob.
He is a rigid, unflexible hardened dude...he's not a conventional hero type...but he believes he's just and that's what makes him so magnetic.
Even though it's hinted at that something happened between Mel and him in the books (resulting in the shadow babies) he would never be chasing her
around and groveling, begging for ass.
He would never have burned dudes for "heresy" like he did at the beginning of the season...he's not some religious zealot...that guy he burned was his
brother in law that was his 'hand of the king' while Davos was locked up and he burned him for treason in the books...because the dude tried making
peace behind his back with the Lannister after the Blackwater.
Then when he rides up they have some villain type music playing lol, making it seem like he's breaking up peace talks.
His stuff from here on in the story is fucking golden though so hopefully they don't muck it up too much.
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