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for fuck's sake, I love you guys but god damn you are riding the trolley off into the land of make believe..........
having said that, I went to see Godzilla with my son yesterday and totally dug it
I guess I just like seeing stuff destroyed.
i was wondering the same thing, Discipline. thanks for the explanation, Jason
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Quote: Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent  | That's been a lot of peoples complaints about Stannis is they're writing him to be a total knob.
He is a rigid, unflexible hardened dude...he's not a conventional hero type...but he believes he's just and that's what makes him so magnetic.
Even though it's hinted at that something happened between Mel and him in the books (resulting in the shadow babies) he would never be chasing her
around and groveling, begging for ass.
He would never have burned dudes for "heresy" like he did at the beginning of the season...he's not some religious zealot...that guy he burned was his
brother in law that was his 'hand of the king' while Davos was locked up and he burned him for treason in the books...because the dude tried making
peace behind his back with the Lannister after the Blackwater.
Then when he rides up they have some villain type music playing lol, making it seem like he's breaking up peace talks.
His stuff from here on in the story is fucking golden though so hopefully they don't muck it up too much. |
They definitely haven't handled Stannis well. Nor Melisandre. Have they even delved into the Azor Ahai stuff? Because that is 100% her motivation for
everything... including telling Stannis to heed the call of the Night's Watch and go North to defend the Wall. She saw something related to Azor Ahai
in the fires of prophecy.
Also, where the hell was Lightbringer?
Jason the Magnificent
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They spent the Lightbringer budget on the Harryhausen skeletons and fireballs. I don't know who's wet dream that was lol but hopefully they got it out
of their system.
Vanilla Gorilla
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didn't they mention lightbringer a few seasons ago
Well I've got a feeling I'm gonna get mine in. Retribution let the games begin.
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