Mike Gill makes good videos. I like these Burning Streets kids. They're a really tight band and I like how the singer's voice sounds like Roger Miret
meets Saves the Day. The song could have been two minutes shorter though. It kind of reminds me of being their age and making "Dark Days". Songs
meandered on and on and we hadn't yet learned how to effectively trim the fat. Once they get that part down then the sky is the limit for these kids.
Mike Gill makes good videos. I like these Burning Streets kids. They're a really tight band and I like how the singer's voice sounds like Roger Miret
meets Saves the Day. The song could have been two minutes shorter though. It kind of reminds me of being their age and making "Dark Days". Songs
meandered on and on and we hadn't yet learned how to effectively trim the fat. Once they get that part down then the sky is the limit for these kids.
Yeah when I first listened to the CD I didn't like it because all the songs are crazy long. But now, I am digging it more lately.