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Quote: | Originally posted by metal mulisha
Quote: | Originally posted by
I love my local weed dealers way too much. And I agree with that Jason said, it's a fashion trend for pussy ass bitches that wouldn't do a damn
thing. |
No its a funny shirt.
MM. |
That's your opinion. Not mine. I think that shirt is fucking stupid.
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I'm surprised at the heated responses in opposition to this shirt. I can understand the reaction to the fashion trend, but drug dealers are parasitic
scumbags who should be exterminated.
Veritas odium parit
Jason the Magnificent
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Then people should kill them and not buy shirts broadcasting they're going to when they clearly aren't.
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Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
Then people should kill them and not buy shirts broadcasting they're going to when they clearly aren't. | Fair enough, but at the same time I get sick of moronic frat boys and assorted shitfuckers thinking it's ok to come approach me
about where they can find some coke or something and a shirt like this obviously says it's wearer is not the one to ask, if nothing else. Although, I
don't have or even plan to get that shirt myself.
Veritas odium parit
Posting Freak
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Quote: | Originally posted by ENDERA.x
Quote: | Originally posted by joemaconmovies
Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
Thats the dumbest shirt ever.
Thats been around for a loooooong time, same as the 'sXe:worlds biggest gang" shirt.
97.5% of the kids that would wear that shirt wouldn't step up to the local wino, much less a drug dealer. That is if they could find enough spare time
to try it between buying shoes or curling their bangs. | |
ok, i worked 14 hours today on 3 hours previous sleep. heres my rant. take it how you will i dont care either way im just shouting out some thoughts
and opinions here.
i hate that fucking design. its been around forever from seventh dagger. they feature lots of designs for merch i just dont agree with.
maybe some would consider me a lack straight edger but the "movement" has gone to shit. so fuck that. you may hear people saying "i do it for myself"
but they fucking dont. they do it to be cool and fit in and shit like that to be different, whatever. seeing my whole family just fucked up on drugs,
alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, some in jail and shit constantly... i chose to take a different path completely. while i could choose to
consume alcohol or maybe indulge in some weed here and there in moderation and stay healthy, its just unnecessary for me personally so why do it at
all. now im from the fucking ghetto - here version. if i wore a shirt like that i'd get stabbed or shot within 3 days tops. its retarded. i've only
ever seen suburban - rich kids - wearing those shirts at a show... come to my neighborhood! mr. militant edge. fuck that. im straight edge and i don't
give a shit. i've robbed people for drugs and i've sold drugs, i've made money off of fuck ups. (mostly before i claimed the straight edge lifestyle,
which i often dont even label myself with now...because the meaning of the term to non-hardcore involved people seems to have been misunderstood, but
anyways, i digress) its how its done some times. was it all necessary, not exactly some was just out of the moment fun shit, was alot of it necessary
though at the time, yes. do i still live like that however, no. do i condone it, not exactly but do i understand it, yes. also.. if you see an
opportunity as well you usually take it for the betterment of yourself/your family/your friends. squiggly edge? go.
bah, gnite fellas. 
"i live life, my own way."
'yet your way isn't acceptable!'
haha. |
Ya let me know where you live and when I get the t-shirt I will put it on and come on down to your house and we can hang out.
Fuck off.
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Subtle MM, real subtle.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Posting Freak
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is this shirt advocating "doing a drive-by" on the local pharmacy and/or shooting pharmacists?
Jason the Magnificent
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Quote: | Originally posted by tireironsaint
Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
Then people should kill them and not buy shirts broadcasting they're going to when they clearly aren't. | Fair enough, but at the same time I get sick of moronic frat boys and assorted shitfuckers thinking it's ok to come approach me
about where they can find some coke or something and a shirt like this obviously says it's wearer is not the one to ask, if nothing else. Although, I
don't have or even plan to get that shirt myself. |
Take advantage of the scenario..send them to the worst neighborhood you can think of.
Posting Freak
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Mood: pissed off
Quote: | Originally posted by metal mulisha
Quote: | Originally posted by ENDERA.x
Quote: | Originally posted by joemaconmovies
Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
Thats the dumbest shirt ever.
Thats been around for a loooooong time, same as the 'sXe:worlds biggest gang" shirt.
97.5% of the kids that would wear that shirt wouldn't step up to the local wino, much less a drug dealer. That is if they could find enough spare time
to try it between buying shoes or curling their bangs. | |
ok, i worked 14 hours today on 3 hours previous sleep. heres my rant. take it how you will i dont care either way im just shouting out some thoughts
and opinions here.
i hate that fucking design. its been around forever from seventh dagger. they feature lots of designs for merch i just dont agree with.
maybe some would consider me a lack straight edger but the "movement" has gone to shit. so fuck that. you may hear people saying "i do it for myself"
but they fucking dont. they do it to be cool and fit in and shit like that to be different, whatever. seeing my whole family just fucked up on drugs,
alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, some in jail and shit constantly... i chose to take a different path completely. while i could choose to
consume alcohol or maybe indulge in some weed here and there in moderation and stay healthy, its just unnecessary for me personally so why do it at
all. now im from the fucking ghetto - here version. if i wore a shirt like that i'd get stabbed or shot within 3 days tops. its retarded. i've only
ever seen suburban - rich kids - wearing those shirts at a show... come to my neighborhood! mr. militant edge. fuck that. im straight edge and i don't
give a shit. i've robbed people for drugs and i've sold drugs, i've made money off of fuck ups. (mostly before i claimed the straight edge lifestyle,
which i often dont even label myself with now...because the meaning of the term to non-hardcore involved people seems to have been misunderstood, but
anyways, i digress) its how its done some times. was it all necessary, not exactly some was just out of the moment fun shit, was alot of it necessary
though at the time, yes. do i still live like that however, no. do i condone it, not exactly but do i understand it, yes. also.. if you see an
opportunity as well you usually take it for the betterment of yourself/your family/your friends. squiggly edge? go.
bah, gnite fellas. 
"i live life, my own way."
'yet your way isn't acceptable!'
haha. |
Ya let me know where you live and when I get the t-shirt I will put it on and come on down to your house and we can hang out.
Fuck off.
MM. |
Something tells me you're just all talk and if you wore that shirt in the ghetto for long enough something would happen to you. your tough guy act is
fucking annoying as shit.
Jason the Magnificent
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Posting Freak
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Mood: pissed off
Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
you lost me
Posting Freak
Posts: 2476
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Quote: | Originally posted by joemaconmovies
Quote: | Originally posted by metal mulisha
Quote: | Originally posted by ENDERA.x
Quote: | Originally posted by joemaconmovies
Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
Thats the dumbest shirt ever.
Thats been around for a loooooong time, same as the 'sXe:worlds biggest gang" shirt.
97.5% of the kids that would wear that shirt wouldn't step up to the local wino, much less a drug dealer. That is if they could find enough spare time
to try it between buying shoes or curling their bangs. | |
ok, i worked 14 hours today on 3 hours previous sleep. heres my rant. take it how you will i dont care either way im just shouting out some thoughts
and opinions here.
i hate that fucking design. its been around forever from seventh dagger. they feature lots of designs for merch i just dont agree with.
maybe some would consider me a lack straight edger but the "movement" has gone to shit. so fuck that. you may hear people saying "i do it for myself"
but they fucking dont. they do it to be cool and fit in and shit like that to be different, whatever. seeing my whole family just fucked up on drugs,
alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, some in jail and shit constantly... i chose to take a different path completely. while i could choose to
consume alcohol or maybe indulge in some weed here and there in moderation and stay healthy, its just unnecessary for me personally so why do it at
all. now im from the fucking ghetto - here version. if i wore a shirt like that i'd get stabbed or shot within 3 days tops. its retarded. i've only
ever seen suburban - rich kids - wearing those shirts at a show... come to my neighborhood! mr. militant edge. fuck that. im straight edge and i don't
give a shit. i've robbed people for drugs and i've sold drugs, i've made money off of fuck ups. (mostly before i claimed the straight edge lifestyle,
which i often dont even label myself with now...because the meaning of the term to non-hardcore involved people seems to have been misunderstood, but
anyways, i digress) its how its done some times. was it all necessary, not exactly some was just out of the moment fun shit, was alot of it necessary
though at the time, yes. do i still live like that however, no. do i condone it, not exactly but do i understand it, yes. also.. if you see an
opportunity as well you usually take it for the betterment of yourself/your family/your friends. squiggly edge? go.
bah, gnite fellas. 
"i live life, my own way."
'yet your way isn't acceptable!'
haha. |
Ya let me know where you live and when I get the t-shirt I will put it on and come on down to your house and we can hang out.
Fuck off.
MM. |
Something tells me you're just all talk and if you wore that shirt in the ghetto for long enough something would happen to you. your tough guy act is
fucking annoying as shit. |
Eat a dick faggot. Why the hell would I chill in the ghetto when I dont have to? Its a simple fact, drug dealers are cunts and when they die I laugh
my ass off.
Jason the Magnificent
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Louis CK has a great bit he does on eating dicks. But it's on people saying 'eat a bag of dicks' and his curiosity on dick eating ettiquette and if
you have to eat a hole bag of them at once or can take them out and eat them slowly one at a time.
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Quote: | Originally posted by ENDERA.x
The problem is thats not really going to happen, or at least, I don't see it happening any time soon.
No one cares not even alot of the people in the ghettos. You have numerous real conscious hiphop artists for example writing about what needs to be
done and trying to get their listeners to wise up but fact of the matter is knowing just isn't enough either. Plus, many don't listen, they just want
a song with a good beat to dance to or, do dirt to. Whichever works. There needs to be some motivational speakers out there who aren't doing it by way
of music. And its not only blacks! so... at least where I am. It's not just black and white here. I know in the US thats a big theme... but hey.
I agree dude. Fully. I'm not talking just about black people... though the hood I live in is mostly black. I live in North Philly... the shit's fucked
up. I know straight edgers here that sell coke, that's fucked up beyond my comprehension. I know Muslims that sell dope, that's even more fucked up
than straight edgers selling the shit given that in Muslim countries dealers do get executed. But dudes here are wrapped up in the day to day and
struggling to survive. Shit needs to change, from the dude on the street corner trying to feed his kids slinging crack to the cartels, to the
government and social systems that make it almost necessary for poor people have to do dirt to make it because legal options aren't fucking livable.
I think the whole Hardline Movement thing, had it not gotten wrapped up in being a reactionary punk/hardcore thing, could have done some real positive
shit for the disadvantaged. But it got trapped by the scene it came up in, by the disenfranchised leftist white kids that came from suburban homes
with pools in our back yards. It's crazy because there's still small movements and organizations like HL, or the old style NOI for that matter that
are around. The Ausar Auset society has at least got poeple eating right, and there's Hebrew Israelites doing pretty much the same thing. NOI's pretty
much dead, and their doing fucking security for the likes of 50 Cent... so they've sunken pretty low if you ask me from the days when they had a
program from uplifting their people. And there's literally no equivalent in white ghettos from what I know. There's church, but what the fuck has
church ever really done?
There's conscious hip hop, hardcore, punk rock, oi, reggae and everything out there... but no body's listening in any of those music scenes. There's a
few speakers rolling around here and there, but most of them are tending to be nationalistic and divisive with other "racial" groupings. The shit's a
fucking wreck and what do you do to wake people from their daze? What do you do? And at that same time, how can anyone turn a blind eye? I've tried,
believe me I've tried. This is one of those things that eats away at me all the time.
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Quote: | Originally posted by DaveMoral
Shit needs to change, from the dude on the street corner trying to feed his kids slinging crack to the cartels, to the government and social systems
that make it almost necessary for poor people have to do dirt to make it because legal options aren't fucking livable.
I take issues with statements like this because they encourage a mindset that I hate. People are always saying that the government needs to do more,
but I don't think that's true. When my family came to Canada from Europe back in the 1800's, there were no social programs. People did get some help
from their churches or communities, but for the most part they had to sink or swim on their own. In Canada some people get mad because they have to
pay for their prescriptions if they don't have health coverage, completely ignoring the fact that their visits to the doctor ot hospital is free.
I hear many on both sides of the border screaming for free childcare, more community centers, more free this and that. This pisses me off because I
don't feel my tax dollars should be subsidizing other peoples expenses. I have no problem with my taxes going to education and healthcare, because I
benefitted from it, so it's my responsibility to put money back into those systems. If people can't afford to raise their kids or pay for childcare,
that expense shouldn't be passed onto the government. People are always screaming for better social programs, but at what point do we say it's time
to stop subsidizing everything? The biggest problem is that most people try to live beyond their means. They watch tv and think they need to have
all the latest gadgets and whatnot. More people need to learn to live within their needs, rather than demand that the government spend more on social
programs. If things suck in the ghetto, than people should use that as incentive to work harder and achieve more through their own merit. Killing
drug dealers isn't a solution, it's knee-jerk reactionism. As for musicians, people shouldn't need to look to musicians to learn behavioural
standards. Why not encourage people to look at others who have busted their asses to achieve their dreams, not just picked up a guitar or a
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
Posting Freak
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Quote: | Originally posted by DaveMoral
Quote: | Originally posted by ENDERA.x
The problem is thats not really going to happen, or at least, I don't see it happening any time soon.
No one cares not even alot of the people in the ghettos. You have numerous real conscious hiphop artists for example writing about what needs to be
done and trying to get their listeners to wise up but fact of the matter is knowing just isn't enough either. Plus, many don't listen, they just want
a song with a good beat to dance to or, do dirt to. Whichever works. There needs to be some motivational speakers out there who aren't doing it by way
of music. And its not only blacks! so... at least where I am. It's not just black and white here. I know in the US thats a big theme... but hey.
I agree dude. Fully. I'm not talking just about black people... though the hood I live in is mostly black. I live in North Philly... the shit's fucked
up. I know straight edgers here that sell coke, that's fucked up beyond my comprehension. I know Muslims that sell dope, that's even more fucked up
than straight edgers selling the shit given that in Muslim countries dealers do get executed. But dudes here are wrapped up in the day to day and
struggling to survive. Shit needs to change, from the dude on the street corner trying to feed his kids slinging crack to the cartels, to the
government and social systems that make it almost necessary for poor people have to do dirt to make it because legal options aren't fucking livable.
I think the whole Hardline Movement thing, had it not gotten wrapped up in being a reactionary punk/hardcore thing, could have done some real positive
shit for the disadvantaged. But it got trapped by the scene it came up in, by the disenfranchised leftist white kids that came from suburban homes
with pools in our back yards. It's crazy because there's still small movements and organizations like HL, or the old style NOI for that matter that
are around. The Ausar Auset society has at least got poeple eating right, and there's Hebrew Israelites doing pretty much the same thing. NOI's pretty
much dead, and their doing fucking security for the likes of 50 Cent... so they've sunken pretty low if you ask me from the days when they had a
program from uplifting their people. And there's literally no equivalent in white ghettos from what I know. There's church, but what the fuck has
church ever really done?
There's conscious hip hop, hardcore, punk rock, oi, reggae and everything out there... but no body's listening in any of those music scenes. There's a
few speakers rolling around here and there, but most of them are tending to be nationalistic and divisive with other "racial" groupings. The shit's a
fucking wreck and what do you do to wake people from their daze? What do you do? And at that same time, how can anyone turn a blind eye? I've tried,
believe me I've tried. This is one of those things that eats away at me all the time. |
Dave, I must ask you, why do you choose to live in North Philadelphia? It's without a doubt one of the most dangerous places on the East Coast. I
think I heard you mention having moved there from Indiana on here at one point. It had to be quite a culture shock. My mother grew up in parts of the
North side which are now considered the Badlands / Shooting Galleries etc. They were one of the last white families to leave the area back in the mid
70s after my grandparents were assaulted and robbed in their homes for $6 by a bunch of Ricans. They were targeted for the fact that they were white,
and I know this because the assailants made it clear as they were beating my Grandmothers head in with a pipe. Having said that, you have a family and
all, and I just wouldn't feel safe raising a kid in that part of town.
Posting Freak
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Quote: | Originally posted by Discipline
Quote: | Originally posted by DaveMoral
Shit needs to change, from the dude on the street corner trying to feed his kids slinging crack to the cartels, to the government and social systems
that make it almost necessary for poor people have to do dirt to make it because legal options aren't fucking livable.
I take issues with statements like this because they encourage a mindset that I hate. People are always saying that the government needs to do more,
but I don't think that's true. When my family came to Canada from Europe back in the 1800's, there were no social programs. People did get some help
from their churches or communities, but for the most part they had to sink or swim on their own. In Canada some people get mad because they have to
pay for their prescriptions if they don't have health coverage, completely ignoring the fact that their visits to the doctor ot hospital is free.
I hear many on both sides of the border screaming for free childcare, more community centers, more free this and that. This pisses me off because I
don't feel my tax dollars should be subsidizing other peoples expenses. I have no problem with my taxes going to education and healthcare, because I
benefitted from it, so it's my responsibility to put money back into those systems. If people can't afford to raise their kids or pay for childcare,
that expense shouldn't be passed onto the government. People are always screaming for better social programs, but at what point do we say it's time
to stop subsidizing everything? The biggest problem is that most people try to live beyond their means. They watch tv and think they need to have
all the latest gadgets and whatnot. More people need to learn to live within their needs, rather than demand that the government spend more on social
programs. If things suck in the ghetto, than people should use that as incentive to work harder and achieve more through their own merit. Killing
drug dealers isn't a solution, it's knee-jerk reactionism. As for musicians, people shouldn't need to look to musicians to learn behavioural
standards. Why not encourage people to look at others who have busted their asses to achieve their dreams, not just picked up a guitar or a
basketball. |
Excellent post.
Relating to the post above this one by Juan. I see white people get targeted here just because they are white as well. The term "white boy" or "you
white piece of shit" or "white kid" whatever, comes in use during the act. Its said in a such a way that is vulgar/racist. It's ridiculous and I don't
accept that. If I was to walk around and call every person of a particular race what their race was, for example "yo brown town what you lookin at"
think about how that would look on me. But when they do it, it's accepted. haha... marvelous, isn't it. I'd like to hit everyone whos ignorant like
that over the head with a sledgehammer!
Posting Freak
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Quote: | Originally posted by juandiablo
Quote: | Originally posted by DaveMoral
Quote: | Originally posted by ENDERA.x
The problem is thats not really going to happen, or at least, I don't see it happening any time soon.
No one cares not even alot of the people in the ghettos. You have numerous real conscious hiphop artists for example writing about what needs to be
done and trying to get their listeners to wise up but fact of the matter is knowing just isn't enough either. Plus, many don't listen, they just want
a song with a good beat to dance to or, do dirt to. Whichever works. There needs to be some motivational speakers out there who aren't doing it by way
of music. And its not only blacks! so... at least where I am. It's not just black and white here. I know in the US thats a big theme... but hey.
I agree dude. Fully. I'm not talking just about black people... though the hood I live in is mostly black. I live in North Philly... the shit's fucked
up. I know straight edgers here that sell coke, that's fucked up beyond my comprehension. I know Muslims that sell dope, that's even more fucked up
than straight edgers selling the shit given that in Muslim countries dealers do get executed. But dudes here are wrapped up in the day to day and
struggling to survive. Shit needs to change, from the dude on the street corner trying to feed his kids slinging crack to the cartels, to the
government and social systems that make it almost necessary for poor people have to do dirt to make it because legal options aren't fucking livable.
I think the whole Hardline Movement thing, had it not gotten wrapped up in being a reactionary punk/hardcore thing, could have done some real positive
shit for the disadvantaged. But it got trapped by the scene it came up in, by the disenfranchised leftist white kids that came from suburban homes
with pools in our back yards. It's crazy because there's still small movements and organizations like HL, or the old style NOI for that matter that
are around. The Ausar Auset society has at least got poeple eating right, and there's Hebrew Israelites doing pretty much the same thing. NOI's pretty
much dead, and their doing fucking security for the likes of 50 Cent... so they've sunken pretty low if you ask me from the days when they had a
program from uplifting their people. And there's literally no equivalent in white ghettos from what I know. There's church, but what the fuck has
church ever really done?
There's conscious hip hop, hardcore, punk rock, oi, reggae and everything out there... but no body's listening in any of those music scenes. There's a
few speakers rolling around here and there, but most of them are tending to be nationalistic and divisive with other "racial" groupings. The shit's a
fucking wreck and what do you do to wake people from their daze? What do you do? And at that same time, how can anyone turn a blind eye? I've tried,
believe me I've tried. This is one of those things that eats away at me all the time. |
Dave, I must ask you, why do you choose to live in North Philadelphia? It's without a doubt one of the most dangerous places on the East Coast. I
think I heard you mention having moved there from Indiana on here at one point. It had to be quite a culture shock. My mother grew up in parts of the
North side which are now considered the Badlands / Shooting Galleries etc. They were one of the last white families to leave the area back in the mid
70s after my grandparents were assaulted and robbed in their homes for $6 by a bunch of Ricans. They were targeted for the fact that they were white,
and I know this because the assailants made it clear as they were beating my Grandmothers head in with a pipe. Having said that, you have a family and
all, and I just wouldn't feel safe raising a kid in that part of town. |
I used to live in Overbrook right behind the Cardinal's mansion. The apartment I was in was like 650 a month and a tiny corner in the fuckin basement
of the building. Roach infested place. But it was like 2 steps from the best mosque in the city. We wanted a bigger place, and my wife found this
place in Germantown that we are in now. It's not the greatest neighborhood in the world, but it ain't the worst. I sure as shit feel safer where I am
than the times I've been in Kensington or points further east of Walnut Ln.
I don't know, maybe being Muslim gives me somewhat of a safe card in the ghetto. I've never had problems here. I go eat at a vegetarian soul food cafe
that's run by black nationlist Egyptian religion revivalists and have never had a problem there. Then again, I don't roll around sporting Arab style
clothes or anything that really identifies me as a Muslim except when I'm with my wife, she wears the head covering. Maybe it's in the way I carry
myself. I didn't feel nearly as culture shocked as my wife did when we moved to Philly. She's from Portland Oregon. I guess I spent alot of days going
into Chicago for shows. Isn't Jason the Magnificent from Chi-town? The area around the Fireside Bowl wasn't the most white bread.
I'd stay in North Philly if I didn't have a kid. Things don't worry me too much. I have guns, I have a certain degree of fighting experience... I'm
not too worried about people coming into my home. As it is, I'm moving back to Oregon next summer and I'll be taking a massive hit financially to do
it. Not just the moving expense, but it'll be a huge paycut doing whatever I'm doing. That I'm doing for my wife's sake and my son's sake.
As for government subsidies. There's shit that needs to be done when we talk about people having "equal rights" and a "right to this right to that"
and I think health care is one of those things. Depending on the situation there probably should be some assistance for child care. It's not just
people living beyond their means, it's housing costs shooting through the roof and fuel costs too. I don't know about you guys, but I'm behind every
fucking year on my gas bill because PGW's rates are outta control. By the time winter rolls around I'll have just paid off my bill from LAST winter.
People are drowning under that kind of shit, and it's not because every body's trying to pick up the PS3 or Xbox360 and run around all iced out
either. People that do that shit aren't struggling, because they have been doing dirt for a long long time. The dude selling dimes though... or just
making deliveries for the dealers... he's likely doing what he's doing because he's struggling to get by.
Take issue all you want with statements about government, but it was under government watch that alot of people are in the situation they are in. It's
under government watch that ghettos got as bad as they fucking are. Seriously, read up on COINTELPRO and what went on in the 60s and 70s. Hell, in the
80s it was big news when it came out that the CIA was involved in the drug trade. That's just recent American history, it took 100 years to get rid of
legal racist segregation after the Emancipation Proclamation. Non-white people have been cultured to be the lowest of the low. Of course, when slavery
was abolished there were those that mused it was a sign of poor people of all "races" being equally exploitable by profiteers. I can't say those
people were wrong. There needs to be some serious changes in government and in society. Social change needs to happen on the larger scale and on the
smaller scale. Shit, change needs to happen in peoples hearts and minds. Yet we are living in a time when even the wealthiest whites are white trash.
Not that they weren't ever... but maybe they are just being exposed for what they have always been for so long. People are corrupt, and there's a
system that encourages that corruption. Whether it's a result of the increasing corruption of the people and thus a natural result, or it's an
insidious program being fed to people... it needs to change.
As for musicians... throughout human history musicians and entertainers have spread culture and ideas. They've often been at the forefront of
expressing ideas that differed from the mainstream and thus introduced these new ideas to as wide an audience as possible. I don't see why anyone
should say "don't look up to them" unless musicians are being blatantly as corrupt as those they are singing to. If a decent human being raps, shouts,
or sings about something and expresses ideas that will uplift and encourage people to struggle for something better they should be looked up to.
People shouldn't say "oh, look at him, he's successful you should be a musician too" or "look at him, he's a basketball player let's all try to be
him." The work ethic should be the thing looked up to, not the apparent easy money and fame. What's the fucking point of punk rock or hardcore if we
shouldn't be spreading ideas through music or looking to musicians for the expression of new ideas? Instead of "get fucking plastered" "do drugs"
"bang whores and be a pimp" "sip expensive champagne and waste money on diamond encrusted Jesus jewelry."
Change takes more than some dude just passing the buck onto the next guy. If you want to see situations improve for people you have to play a part in
creating a culture of change and improvement. You should care for your fellow man and woman. You should give a damn that some people are wasting their
fucking lives getting high, or blowing their wealth on frivolous shit when there's so much fucking suffering in this world. Instead of Hiltons given a
seemingly endless amount of money to their daughter to blow on clothes, coke and what have you those motherfuckers should be using some of that to
help people. Instead of blowing hundreds of billions on killing machines the government should be passing out more than a comparative pittance to the
needy and downpressed.
And that's the fucking problem with this upside down world. A culture of killing expects people not to kill each other, while spending more money on
perfecting the means of killing than it does on keeping people alive and healthy! I mean, what the fuck?
*Steps down from his soap box*
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