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Demonstrate My Style - The Album
Ok, lately I have been just listening to a bunch of shit to find something to really get into. I have found it. Demostrate My Style is going to be
in heavy rotation again for me. It has been about 5 years since I sat and listened to it. The song Live Or Die is just awesome.
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Hold it down is also good
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Quote: | Originally posted by bombidol
Hold it down is also good |
VERY true
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Those are both great Madball albums. DMS is heavy as fuck.
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Am I the only one not into Legacy? I much preferred the NYHC EP over it. Havent heard the new one yet, any good?
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Quote: | Originally posted by bombidol
Am I the only one not into Legacy?
nope there a several of us
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I dunno what it is about that album, it just all sounds the same to me. The tracks i heard of infiltrate the system sounded pretty cool though.
Jason the Magnificent
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Its worse.
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Legacy stinks like a dog's farts
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Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
Its worse. |
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I like everything Madball.
‘Do you know what a love letter is? It’s a bullet from a fucking gun. Straight through your heart.’
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set it off still is their best, but i like all their stuff.
* Kick\'n ass on the wild side *
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they do no wrong. Dissing any of MADBALL should not happen.
Each aspect of the soul has it's own part to play, but the ideal is harmonious agreement with reason and control.
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Quote: | Originally posted by panzerkreuzer
set it off still is their best, but i like all their stuff. |
Bingo, you win a prize for best taste. No I just agree that's all. 
"Set It Off" is hard...Plus Vinny was in Madball back then.
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Quote: | Originally posted by clevohardcore
they do no wrong. Dissing any of MADBALL should not happen. | You're beggin' for it with that statement.
Madball is a perfect example of what's wrong with Hard Core these days. Ball Of Destruction is the only thing of theirs I can even consider to be an
actual HC record. The best thing I can say about them after that is that they make me laugh.
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I understand not liking them, but saying they are what's wrong with hardcore is a little harsh.
Freddie & Hoya are nice guys...
Jason the Magnificent
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Not sure what people being nice have to do with liking a bands music...
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Quote: | Originally posted by hardtone
I understand not liking them, but saying they are what's wrong with hardcore is a little harsh.
Freddie & Hoya are nice guys... | They could very well be the nicest guys around, but the kind of music they
play is what I would consider to be a prime example of how far from what Hard Core will always be to me that I see nothing wrong with stating that as
my opinion. Personally, one of the benchmarks of HC to me has always been speaking your opinion no matter how harsh or unpopular it might be. I refuse
to clam up when I have a strong opinion for just that reason, everybody else is more than welcome to speak theirs and I will always have mine riding
out their on my chest. I don't do it to offend, impress, or for any other reason than to express my viewpoint, which as I said, is a huge part of what
this whole thing is about to me.
Do I wish ill on the guys in Madball? Fuck no, I have nothing personal against them, although I do think they've been a large force behind directing
bands that play a style of music I can't tolerate to call themselves part of a scene I care about and grew up in. I'm not gonna make a statement as
someone did about a different band recently and say that I wish they would all die in a plane crash, there's no call for that in a musical discussion.
I might say something like that about people I've had personal interaction with and feel that they are worthless douchebags, but that's not the case
Yes, I find the band laughable, the times I've seen them play it was ridiculous. Every horrible stereotypical macho tough guy pose I can think of was
on display and it made me sick. I find that kind of stuff to be exactly what is wrong with what most people call HC these days and it disgusts me.
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Quote: | Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent
Not sure what people being nice have to do with liking a bands music... |
It has nothing to do with liking them, that wasn't my point...
Quote: | Originally posted by tireironsaint
Quote: | Originally posted by hardtone
I understand not liking them, but saying they are what's wrong with hardcore is a little harsh.
Freddie & Hoya are nice guys... | They could very well be the nicest guys around, but the kind of music they
play is what I would consider to be a prime example of how far from what Hard Core will always be to me that I see nothing wrong with stating that as
my opinion. Personally, one of the benchmarks of HC to me has always been speaking your opinion no matter how harsh or unpopular it might be. I refuse
to clam up when I have a strong opinion for just that reason, everybody else is more than welcome to speak theirs and I will always have mine riding
out their on my chest. I don't do it to offend, impress, or for any other reason than to express my viewpoint, which as I said, is a huge part of what
this whole thing is about to me.
Do I wish ill on the guys in Madball? Fuck no, I have nothing personal against them, although I do think they've been a large force behind directing
bands that play a style of music I can't tolerate to call themselves part of a scene I care about and grew up in. I'm not gonna make a statement as
someone did about a different band recently and say that I wish they would all die in a plane crash, there's no call for that in a musical discussion.
I might say something like that about people I've had personal interaction with and feel that they are worthless douchebags, but that's not the case
Yes, I find the band laughable, the times I've seen them play it was ridiculous. Every horrible stereotypical macho tough guy pose I can think of was
on display and it made me sick. I find that kind of stuff to be exactly what is wrong with what most people call HC these days and it disgusts me.
I don't believe in suppressing anyone?s opinion no matter how harsh, but I heard this case before about how hardcore ain?t what is used to be when
Killing Time released ?Brightside?. There has always been that element in hardcore Madball didn?t start that, what about The Cro-Mags, Negative
Approach, Judge, Sheer Terror, Sick Of It All, Agnostic Front, Biohazard, & so on. I hear what you?re saying I don?t like the ?tuff guy? or ?thugcore?
references either but I do like the angry element about this music. I can relate to it on a personal level with how I grew up and my life?s
experiences. I certainly don?t think I?m tuff but I have seen some shit that makes me view the world a certain way.
It?s your right to laugh at that style of hardcore, I really don?t take anything like that too seriously myself. But you have to admit all those Youth
Crew bands in the mid 80?s are just as ridicules in different ways. Most of those band members came from good families that went to NY to slum it and
preach about how they were going ?to resist & stay strong to the death??
Carlin said it the best; ?most people are full of shit?
You just have to pick the ones you can stomach?
It makes good conversion at least.

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I'm not saying Madball started it, just that they are the most visible representation of it and have been for quite a while now. You look at any of
the thugcore bands around and every single one will list Madball as one of their influences. Personally, I don't even hear anything that sounds like
Hard Core in there even without all the tough guy gangsta shit. It sounds like what used to be the 10 - 20 second breakdown in the old NYHC bands has
been turned into whole songs. As for the bands you listed off, I would take any of them over Madball any day of the week, although Biohazard would
have to be limited to their very early stuff and even that is a bit close to the edge for me. If you're saying that any of those bands is playing that
same sort of thug mentality gang shit that I see in Madball and that type, aside from AF I just don't see it and it's pretty limited there too.
Negative Approach, definitely not. I'm curious how they even fit into this conversation. If it's just the anger that you're talking about, of course
that's there, it's been one of the main lyrical elements since Hard Core began. I just don't see the anger in thug core as being real, it comes across
like the ridiculous "hail satan" bullshit in Metal, at least it does to me. Maybe both Metal bands and thug bands believe in the shit they're saying,
but it comes across as very contrived and theatrical to me, which is even funnier when the thug core bands talk about being so real and true.
As for Youth Crew, I find that shit to be just as bad. Sure, when I was in High School that was mostly what I was into, but that was the late 80s and
I was in the middle of Texas with no way of knowing the reality of the situation on that shit. I got out of some bad shit in my life partly by taking
some of that shit to heart at a time when I needed something positive to focus on, so I'll always appreciate what those ideas got me through even if I
can now see them as naive idealistic fluff. I thought it was beyond ridiculous when the trend in HC was to try to recreate the Youth Crew style in the
mid to late 90s. I guess there's still a few of those types around now, but not quite the way it was for a while.
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Of all the bands out there talking thug, I think Madball is probably the only group that's ever actually walked it. And they've stepped away from that
a lot on the last couple records. You wouldn't know that, though, because you wouldn't give 'em a chance now. Which is cool, you don't like that "One
Voice" sound, and Madball is pretty much all "One Voice."
If anything the most visible representation of the sound you don't like is Hatebreed. That's to the point where if I see a car with a Hatebreed
sticker on it I can be reasonably assured that they don't like any other hardcore bands that I like or have any means of relating to me.
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Talked it, walked it, I really don't care. To me that shit has no place in HC. Sure, at one point it was incredibly dangerous to walk around looking
like anything even vaguely associated with Punk or HC. I lived through all that in the middle of Texas and can attest to the fact that we did have to
be on our guard and watching each other's backs so as not to catch a beating from random rednecks, jocks, and various other normals. But we didn't go
out as gangs looking to "drop many suckas", y'know? Their sound is just as big a part of what makes me laugh as all that posturing. I just cannot get
my head around anything that makes Madball a band that people like.
Yeah Dave, Hatebreed is right there with them, but more on the Metal side in my opinion. I hear nothing but straight Metal as far as Hatebreed is
concerned and they don't even have an old 7 inch that I could ever get behind (as Madball does). I think of Hatebreed as the commercial/mass market
face of today's HC which is why I think there's so little of any worth in today's scene. All the big name bands out there have NOTHING to do with what
Hard Core is about to me.
Are there some small bands still doing it right (in my opinion)? Yeah, but they seem to disappear quicker and quicker all the time. That's why I
mostly listen to older bands or bands completely outside the genre these days. It's gotten to the point where even the really old bands that I
consider HC are ones that people think you're an idiot for calling Hard Core now. Take Bad Religion, for example. I don't like that band at all, but
that band is more of a true HC band than all these thugs and Metal heads will ever be and yet most people can't even imagine calling them that because
they all came up with HC as a name applied to chugga metally bands who sing about being tough guys and have no clue there was something real that had
the name beforehand.
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Off the topic, I dig this message board people can disagree here and not takes things personally. That is a rare thing in cyber space nowadays?.
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Quote: | Originally posted by hardtone
Off the topic, I dig this message board people can disagree here and not takes things personally. That is a rare thing in cyber space nowadays?.
| Yeah, this place is great. For that reason and many others. There's good people here who can discuss shit
like adults and not get bent outta shape over it.
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Quote: | Originally posted by tireironsaint
Quote: | Originally posted by clevohardcore
they do no wrong. Dissing any of MADBALL should not happen. | You're beggin' for it with that statement.
Madball is a perfect example of what's wrong with Hard Core these days. Ball Of Destruction is the only thing of theirs I can even consider to be an
actual HC record. The best thing I can say about them after that is that they make me laugh. |
Man I don't know, you're the only person's post I've read I didn't really agree with so far in this thread!
Texas isn't the hood. It's hardcore I'm sure as you lived it. But not the same as how they lived it. It's NOT the same to everyone as it might seem
nor should it be in my opinion. They grew up on the streets on NYC not the streets of Texas, quite a difference I think. Just like alot of the
detroit and new jersey bands, even boston bands, LA bands perhaps. Whats the deal. You hate all the "thug" shit? Hardcore did represent the streets
ever since the older shit and much of it still does just in a different style.
I agree with you on the Youth Crew front though. :|
90% of 'hardcore' bands from any various style of hardcore out there today are shit. Period. Thanks.
I saw the worst fuckin show last night and it really irritated me, too.
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