Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Your Workouts- What is working, what are you doing?

CR83 - 1-9-2006 at 05:27 PM

I just jumped right back into weights and running and I feel great.

I am doing the Abs Diet Curcuit Training. I finished today in 27 minutes (2 Circuits with Ab Work before both circuits). Had some gas left over for Butterflies and 2 different types of curls. Tomorrow is a 20 minute jog and a hockey game.

What is everyone doing and how are you feeling? We are on Week 1 or 2 so far. Let's share the successes.

Voodoobillyman - 1-9-2006 at 05:46 PM

Running 2 miles 5 days a week, doing weights and various other stuff 3 days a week. Feelin pretty good.

CR83 - 1-9-2006 at 05:57 PM

Great to hear. Keep it up!

Discipline - 1-9-2006 at 07:17 PM

Due to the severe pain in my back and neck I'm not able to do much of anything. For now I'm walking around my block twice a day, which damn near kills me. I also have been doing girlie push ups as they are much less stressful on the body than regular ones. I'm trying to do 5 sets of 20 per day.

Voodoobillyman - 1-10-2006 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Discipline
Due to the severe pain in my back and neck I'm not able to do much of anything. For now I'm walking around my block twice a day, which damn near kills me. I also have been doing girlie push ups as they are much less stressful on the body than regular ones. I'm trying to do 5 sets of 20 per day.

Dude. thats great, anything is better than nothing, do what you can to better yourself. Hopefully the exercise will help with the pain?

CR83 - 1-10-2006 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Voodoobillyman
Originally posted by Discipline
Due to the severe pain in my back and neck I'm not able to do much of anything. For now I'm walking around my block twice a day, which damn near kills me. I also have been doing girlie push ups as they are much less stressful on the body than regular ones. I'm trying to do 5 sets of 20 per day.

Dude. thats great, anything is better than nothing, do what you can to better yourself. Hopefully the exercise will help with the pain?

Absolutely. Girlie Push ups and walking are awesome. Keep it up and be careful Bud.

Discipline - 1-10-2006 at 05:44 PM

Thanks for the support guys.